Academic Policy Committee Meeting Minutes September 2, 2011


Chandra Power

Recorder Email: 
Meeting Date: 
Friday, September 2, 2011
Date of Next Meeting: 
Friday, October 7, 2011 - 3:30pm
Location of Next Meeting: 
Academic Policy Committee
Minutes Text: 

In attendance: Stephen Auerbach, Andrei Barkovskii, Warner Belanger, Martha Colvin, Jennifer Flory, Robert Blumenthal, Amy Pinney, Chandra Power, Jason Rich, Mark Vail

Regrets: Olufunke Fontenot, Bryan Marshall


I.                    The meeting was called to order by Amy Pinney.

II.                  April minutes were approved.

III.                Introductions of new committee member.

IV.                Agenda was unanimously approved.

V.                  Discussion of failed email sent from senate web page.

VI.                Reviewed bylaws and scope of our committee.

VII.              Discussion of list of issues to be (or not to be) presented to ECUS:

a.       Syllabi Requirements – Is there a way faculty could link to the common required elements? GA View, student handbook, web link, etc.?  Heading “Common Syllabi” on GCSU’s “Favorite Links” page? We are constructing a recommendation for a revision to the current way of incorporating common syllabi content. Kirk Armstrong volunteered to assist in this effort. Mark Vail will assist Kirk. Martha Colvin reminded us that there is an existing policy allowing for electronic dissemination of syllabi. \

b.      Faculty handbook – discrepancy with contracts about start date. The handbook and the faculty contract should have the same date. Amy will present this issue to ECUS.

c.       Smoking policy from the April organizational meeting – GCSU removed a smoking area from behind Arts and Sciences, but there are still smokers there. The same problem exists behind Health Sciences. Smoking takes place closer than 25 feet from COE. Who enforces the smoking policy? Amy will take this issue to ECUS.

d.      IRB policy and procedure – tabled until October meeting

e.      Research Assistant Waivers – TAs and AAs get waivers but research assistants do not get waivers. Some exceptions are made on a person-to-person basis. Should those decisions be arbitrary or should there be a uniform policy that is consistent across GCSU? Since this seems to be more a financial issue rather than a governance issue, it may be something that needs to be addressed within specific colleges. Amy will bring the issue before ECUS to see how it should appropriately be discussed.

f.        Clinic receipts – Students are sometimes required to bring a receipt from the clinic to professors to document excused absence; however, the receipt currently contains privileged information. The issue will be tabled until the October meeting and Alice Loper will be invited to attend.

g.       Plagiarism Policy – Concern is that the enforcement of plagiarism policies is heavily dependent on professor choice with the burden on individual professors. Should there be a consistent policy? The issue is tabled until further notice.

h.      Deadline for recognitions – We’ve been requested to examine the problem when recognitions for years of service take place a year late. This does not seem to be the purview of this committee. Amy will pass along the request/concern at ECUS.

VIII.            New Business –

a.       Request for motion on grades after plagiarism incident.  There is existing policy about this situation.

b.      Dual classes within graduate and undergraduate programs – Within the graduate component of the dual class, there are additional components/requirements. Students often take the same class with the same professor for both the undergraduate and graduate courses. The consensus of the committee is that this is an issue that is best handled within the college and the wording of a program of study. Andrei requested that this issue be brought before ECUS. Amy agreed to do so.

c.       Honors options – Students opt to request an honors course from an existing course, hoping to find easier options than those currently listed as “the” honors course. Multiple issues regarding this option exist. Discussion tabled until a later meeting when Steve Elliot-Gower can assist us. Amy will invite Steve to meet with us.

d.      October 14 ECUS meeting – Amy cannot attend. Will ask Vice-chair to attend in her place.

IX.                Meeting was adjourned.

Action Items: 
Tentative Agenda: