CAPC Minutes - 03/04/11


Cara Meade

Recorder Email: 
Meeting Date: 
Friday, March 4, 2011
Date of Next Meeting: 
Friday, April 29, 2011 - 12:30pm
Location of Next Meeting: 

Arts & Sciences 216

Curriculum and Assessment Policy Committee
Minutes Text: 

CAPC Minutes, 03/04/11


In attendance: Carol Christy, Cara Meade, Sandra Hancock, Barbara Roquemore, Dianne Gregg, Beth Broyles, John Swinton


Guests: Jude Hirsch, Brian Mumma



I)  Outdoor Education: Revisions to BS in Outdoor Education

Jude Hirsch provided background information regarding the proposed changes. Some highlights:



Moving to a two-tiered application process.  Moving some elements of the junior year of the program to the sophomore year.  Program faculty are cognizant of aligning with the new core. Moves the application process earlier. Also makes the transition to GCSU for transfer students more manageable.


From feedback, determined that the one ‘intensive’ semester is not enough to introduce and learn several concepts needed in this program. This has led to the development of new courses that will target more specialized skills for longer periods of time.  They still will continue to have an ‘intensive’ during the final semester of 12 hours but each of the three new courses being proposed will have more applied learning and service applications than the previous sequence of courses.  Instructional strategies courses once in the intensive will now come prior to the intensive to allow for these three new targeted courses which will make up the entire intensive course for each student; no other courses will be taken this semester.


Addition of senior seminar course.


John Swinton motioned for a vote.

Carol Christy seconded the motion for a vote.

Unanimous vote in favor of changes to Outdoor Education BS program.

None opposed.

None abstained.

This will go to ECHS as a motion.


II) Name change for the M.Ed. in Secondary Education. Proposal to change the name of the program to M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction.

Brian Mumma provided background and need for the name change. This is due to requirements of the GA Professional Standards Commission that students can only be certified to teach if they graduate from a program approved in an area recognized by the PSC. PSC does not currently recognize a degree in Secondary Education so the name for this degree must change to an area that is approved by the Professional Standards Commission.


Carol Christy motioned for a vote.

Sandra Hancock seconded the motion for a vote.

Unanimous vote in favor of name change.

None opposed.

None abstained.

This will go to ECHS as a motion.


III) UCC update:

Question from committee member regarding the low numbers of B2 courses that have been approved.

Cara Meade provided an update from UCC regarding where we stand with both B1 and B2 sections and further explained that the process for implementing the new core placed emphasis first on getting enough B1 sections for Fall 2011 and then once that was accomplished, beginning the push for B2 courses, much in the same way that there was a ‘rally’ for B1 sections. First priority was getting ready for fall with the incoming freshmen that would be signing up for B1 sections during POUNCE that started in February.  There will soon be a call to the campus community from UCC for B2 courses now that area B1 is close to the number of sections needed to accommodate all incoming freshmen. 

With no further items proposed for discussion, the meeting was adjourned.

Action Items: 
Tentative Agenda: