CAPC Minutes 10/26/12


Cara Meade

Recorder Email: 
Meeting Date: 
Friday, October 26, 2012
Date of Next Meeting: 
Friday, November 30, 2012 - 2:00pm
Location of Next Meeting: 

HSB 213

Curriculum and Assessment Policy Committee
Minutes Text: 

CAPC Minutes, 10/26/12


In Attendance:  Ryan brown,  Brian Mumma, Joe Mocnik, Kay Anderson, Cara Meade, George Cazacu, John Swinton, David de Posada, Koushik Banerjee


Regrets- Steve Elliott-Gower, Susan Steele


I) Approval of Agenda:  Today’s agenda approved


II) Approval of Minutes: Suggestion was made to table the approval of September’s minutes until everyone has a chance to review them. Please review them and we will consider the minutes from September and October at the November meeting.


III) New Business



 Addressing substantive change- Kay explained that since we are coming up for SACS review, we must make sure we are in compliance with all of their requirements.  While reviewing our materials, it became evident that GC doesn’t have its own substantive change policy, which is a requirement.  Kay presented a proposed policy to address substantive change requirements. Committee discussed the proposal, in particular, the notion of adopting something very similar to the SACS substantive change guideline. Kay proposed that we adopt the substantive change statement that she presented.


Motion made to adopt the substantive change policy

Motion was seconded

Vote called

Motion carried unanimously



Proposed changes to the global overlay in the CUBE.


Proposal and rationale:

SoCC proposes that the wording of the current three global overlay requirement be changed from ‘2 in the core and one out of the core’ to ‘no fewer than one in the core and no fewer than one out of the core’.  The rationale is that transfer students who complete the core at an institution that requires only one global perspectives course in their core come to us with their core completed and we cannot require the additional overlay course.  They all must be treated as special cases.  We just want to provide enough flexibility that we do not turn away transfer students. 

A suggestion to include the current statement in its entirety in the motion before it goes to the motion database to go to Senate.  Kay and John will add this to the motion that goes to Senate.



Motion was made to accept the proposal as presented

Motion was seconded

A committee member called for further discussion


An amendment to the proposal was presented, suggesting to change the wording to read: Students are required to complete three courses with the global overlay, one of which must be completed as part of the student’s core curriculum.


Amendment to the proposal was presented

Amendment was seconded

All approved to accept the amendment as presented


Vote called to approve the amended proposal

Unanimously approved


IV) Informational Items


1.  Governance retreat report was circulated via email. Please read.


2.  SoCC passed and acted on two proposals:



All courses in international plan were approved for the global overlay. This list has been sent to Academic Affairs for final approval.


All study abroad experiences satisfy one global overlay requirement for students.  (If it is part of a global overlay course, the student gets two credits)


Discussion: Is this an academic policy? Discussion:  If this is the case, this needs to be rerouted. 


Discussion, David presented sample outcomes from foreign language courses in his department and stated that it seems that all foreign language courses meet the requirement for this overlay since they map directly to the outcome, as presented in his examples.  The Department of Modern Languages and Cultures was encouraged to submit all courses for approval for the GL overlay.


Following up on the discussion, Ryan proposed that the study abroad/GL overlay proposal is, indeed, a policy issue and proposed that we present it as such to the Senate. He proposed the following policy statement:  Any study abroad experience in which a student earns course credit shall be considered to carry a Global Perspectives overlay.


Motion to accept this policy statement and send it on to senate was made

Motion was seconded

Unanimous approval to send this as a policy statement to ECUS for consideration of the full senate



BS in Special Education was circulated via email. These are name changes and don’t require a vote.  This is an information item only.



MAT in Early Childhood is now in the database. This should now be coming to a vote to the full senate.  We’ll remind ECUS to put this on the agenda for the next senate meeting.



Adjourned at 2:37



Action Items: 
Tentative Agenda: