CAPC Minutes 11/30/12


Cara Meade

Recorder Email: 
Meeting Date: 
Friday, November 30, 2012
Date of Next Meeting: 
Friday, January 25, 2013 - 2:00pm
Location of Next Meeting: 

HSB 213

Curriculum and Assessment Policy Committee
Minutes Text: 

Curriculum and Assessment Policy Committee Meeting 11/30/12

Steve Elliott-Gower, John Swinton,  Susan Steele, Koushik Banerjee, Joe Mocnik, Kay Anderson, David de Posada, Cara Meade, Brian Mumma, Julia Metzker

Regrets: Ryan Brown

Guests: Martha Colvin, Judy Malachowski

I)  Approval of Agenda.  Today’s agenda approved.

II) Approval of Minutes.  Minutes approved for September 27 and October 26

III) New Business:

A) Proposal- Proposal for a post master’s certificate for the degree of Family Nurse Practitioner. This proposal is brought forth in response to changes with the nursing credentialing body.  This agency needs to see the certificate program listed on student’s transcript in order to grant the certificate.

Q-   Do we have a say in this or is this just a request/mandate from an accreditor? 


We don’t have a way around this requirement.  This is not an accreditation body but a certification body. Students cannot be licensed unless they have a national certification so we must offer this in order for our students to be eligible for certification. Students can take and pass the exam but are not granted certification unless the certification body awards the certification.  The certification bodies want to see a clear “post master’s certificate on the transcript.  Nursing faculty feels favorable to this requirement in that it seems to ensure the quality of this certificate from the perspective of the certification bodies.  We have been offering post master’s course work in the FNP program for over 10 years and this is a new requirement by the certification bodies.

This will be our first certificate program so we’ll have some additional federal requirements (i.e. paperwork) that Nursing is prepared to take on.  Also, we are looking into whether this is a substantive change for SACS.


Motion to approve


All approved


B) Name change for Kinesiology Health Education minor. This proposal is to change the name of the minor to Community Health.  This is proposed so that the name of the minor will reflect the BS Community Health major.  This will go to Senate as an information item.


Motion to approve


All approved





Needed a procedure as to what to do if faculty want to make changes to  their GC1Y or GC2Y course.  After discussion, SoCC set a procedure that SoCC will approve changes and then determine the routing from there, depending on the changes proposed to the course. This information will be shared with chairs and faculty and a new check sheet will be designed to share this new procedure.


There has been concern that there is no ‘gatekeeper’ for Area B.  Several concerns led to this request: poaching, faculty expertise, section evaluations, who should have priority in teaching sections, recruit faculty, etc… A suggestion was sent to chairs and Academic Affairs. Feedback from Deans has been favorable so far.  


Officially propose the name for the core, “the CUBE” to the Senate, this was sent to ECUS for further discussion.


Foreign language courses- SoCC voted to not mass approve the MFL courses level 2000 and below.  Since so many students are required to take these courses, it was the determination of this committee that this would limit BS students’ exposure to global perspectives.


Old Business


Discussion of the 4th hour has been rerouted to APC. Is this an assessment issue also however?  Is this a curriculum issue? Will CAPC eventually have a part in the 4th hour discussion after a policy has been established, from the perspective of curriculum and assessment?  A committee member advocated for this to come back to CAPC, perhaps next semester (spring semester).  Conversation among committee members established that this discussion is a broader one of credit hour in general. The 4th hour is a portion of the discussion of defining the credit hour.  Perhaps once APC defines the credit hour, CAPC can explore possibilities for the 4th hour, particularly in light of the GC1Y and GC2Y courses.  A request was made to continue this discussion in spring among this committee.  We should be very cognizant of highlighting the success of good examples of 4th hour experiences after this first round of GC2Y courses from fall semester.



Meeting adjourned 2:55

Action Items: 
Tentative Agenda: