ECUS March2, 2011 Minutes


Deborah MacMillan

Recorder Email: 
Meeting Date: 
Friday, March 2, 2012
Date of Next Meeting: 
Friday, March 9, 2012 - 9:00am
Location of Next Meeting: 

Parks 301

Executive Committee of the University Senate
Minutes Text: 

Executive Committee Meeting

March 2, 2011 at 08:00 AM

Parks 301


Present: Jan Clark, Sandra Jordan, Deborah MacMillan, Ken McGill, Lyndall Muschell, Stas Preczewski, Catherine Whelan


Guests:  Matt Rogers (Graduate Assistant), Kathy Kral, Peter Basziano (ELI Fellow)

Regrets: Ed Whatley


Call to Order: by Jan Clark 

The March 2nd agenda was approved.

The minutes from February 3rd were approved.


President’s Report:  by Interim President Stas Preczewski


Dr. Preczewski reported that the participation rate for the GC Climate Survey has been high; with over a 70% participation rate currently.  The information being provided is very substantive with a large number of responses to the open ended questions. Dr. Preczewski plans to provide the statistical analysis, at least of the quantitative data, by the end of the semester.  The responses to the open ended questions will have to be coded and this will take longer, but that data analysis will be provided as well.


As has been noted all year, the need to increase Retention, Progression, and Graduation (RPG) rates is the focus of the University System of Georgia (USG).   The USG position is that all new additional funding will be tied to RPG and Complete College American rates. Emphasis is on better quality, lower cost, and graduating students sooner. This was again discussed at the 2012 budget brief with the USG Chancellor this past Monday. It is anticipated that we will see at least 3 more budgets that that will be directly tied to these issues.  An additional emphasis also called for much more online offerings, but with a need to increase in high quality soft skills.



The proposed plans for Ennis continue to go well. Ennis remains in the budget and has made it through the first rounds.


Dr. Preczewski reported that he is working with Dr. Sandra Jordan (Provost) to develop the transition team. They have developed an initial draft of how to proceed with the transition process.  Part of the transition plan will provide the new president with a list of Presidential Developmental Options from outside sources that may be helpful. It is anticipated that this will be a one-day session.


Announcement was made that Dr. Houston Davis is the new academic officer for USG.  He has extensive experience at this level.


Dr. Preczewski reports that he will be traveling extensively during this month, with one of the planned trips being to India.  


Provost Report:  provided by Dr. Sandra Jordan (Provost).

Dr. Jordan reported specifically about Complete College Georgia Plan and noted that more information will be provided in the upcoming newsletter.  The direct link to the Complete College Georgia will be in the newsletter. There are pieces of this plan that don’t bode well for Georgia College.  The plan is creating incentives for programs that lead directly into jobs and this has implications for GC liberal arts mission.   


The USG is changing the way we submit new programs.   We are going back to a two- tiered system where we will submit first draft and then be invited to submit full proposal (anticipate review process to take about 1½ years with then will need to add another few months for SACS).  One of the focuses of the review process will be does it produce graduates in high demand jobs.  If the proposed program requires additional space this will probably not receive priority funding.


The Provost also reports that she is leaving for the India trip as well.


Committee Reports:


Senate elections:  Dr. Ken McGill chair of SCoN reported that Dr. Julie Metzger (chemistry) was elected to the senate at large position that was vacated by Dr. Judy Malachowski this year.  Other nominee’s for this position were Amy Burt, Doug Goings, Maureen Horgan and Lora Crowe. Some discussion was entertained about offering those not elected an opportunity to serve on committees.   Dr. McGill will announce the results to the University.


In order to fill the five Presidential Appointments to the Senate, Dr. McGill reported that he will meet with President Stas Preczewski to get his decisions.  Dr. McGill plans to discuss the committee spreadsheet at the next committee meeting.


Governance Calendar: report by Dr. Catherine Whelan

Dr. Whelan reported that the Governance Calendar is complete and that she will circulate to the ECSU later today for us to discuss.  The goal is for ECSU to meet at same time as the other standing committees.  Please provide feedback by next Friday.


There will be a second reading of the bylaws changes presented at the last Senate meeting. The two motions are listed below:


GCSU Senate Motion 1112.CAPC.011.B
Establish a CAPC Subcommittee


GCSU Senate Motion 1112.EC.001.B

Bylaws Amendment - Motions


Dr. Whelan reported that the template for motions on the senate website.  It was discussed that at last years Senate retreat no training was provided and this has been difficulty this year.  Dr. Whelan discussed the importance of making sure we provided that training at this year’s retreat.


ECSU: by Dr. Jan Clark

Dr. Jan Clark reported that Dr. Mike Digby recommended that while GC faculty and staff are reviewing the University site we provide a direct link to provide feedback about the policy and procedure manual.  That recommendation was  supported by ECUS and approved.






Action Items: 
Tentative Agenda: