Executive Committee Meeting Minutes October 14, 2011


Deborah MacMillan

Recorder Email: 
Meeting Date: 
Friday, October 14, 2011
Date of Next Meeting: 
Friday, November 4, 2011 - 9:00am
Location of Next Meeting: 

Parks 301

Executive Committee of the University Senate
Minutes Text: 

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

October 14, 2011

Location:  Parks 301


Present:   Ryan Brown, Dianne Chamblee, Jan Clark, David de Posada, Sandra Jordan,  Lyndall Muschell. Judy Malachowski, Ken McGill, Stas Preczewski, Edward Whatley, Matt Rogers


Regrets:  Catherine Whelan


President’s Report:  Interim President Stas Preczewski

Interim President Preczewski reported that he would be meeting with the USG Chancellor this week.  He believes we will get fully funded for this year’s budget.  The focus continues to be about renovation instead of new building projects.  There is continued talk regarding consolidation of campuses. There are 9 soon to be 10 president vacancies and only 4 are advertised.  There is no specific discussion about closing campuses, but ideas about perhaps sharing some administrative personal.  The announcement should be perhaps within next two weeks.  These consolidations may be implemented by fall 2012


Dr. Sandra Jordan is the only provost appointed to Governor’s Task force which includes 3 state senators, and 3 representatives who will examine the new funding formula.   

The ribbon cutting is today for the new Wellness Center on West Campus


Two $10,000 permanent scholarships have been established in response to the tragic accidental deaths of  GC students Johnny Harouf and Alex DeLor


Following a one-day retreat on Monday of this week, Dr. Jones, Dr. Jordan, and Dr. Preczewski allocated over 1 million dollars of FY12 funds.  These allocations addressed the critical facility needs that were submitted by all departments.  It was also announced that the temporary stimulus faculty lines were made permanent.


The BOR Chancellor is coming later this month for a brief visit on Tuesday October 26 @ 2:30 to 5:30.  The focus of the tour is on renovation.  The first planned stop on the tour is to the Central State Hospital grounds, and then to Ennis Hall to meet students, followed by a stop at Terrell for a visit with faculty. Additional planned stops will be at Beeson Hall and City Hall.  The tour will also focus on what can be done with renovation by a tour of the Health Science Building.


Provost Report:  Dr. Sandra Jordan

Reminded us that the two students who survived the tragic car accident are now back on campus and need the support of faculty and students.


Reported that after the storm yesterday, the server when down.   Unfortunately even though there was a backup system, it did not function properly and MyCats is still down.  The IT department worked all through the night, and it is hoped that the situation will be resolved shortly.


 The recommendation made by the Enrollment Management Team regarding retention and graduate will be implemented this year.


Fall Fest is scheduled for Saturday, October 15th. Additionally there is a recruitment function at the High Museum in Atlanta, Sunday October 16th, where the brand new video for GC recruitment will be unveiled.  AAUP will be on campus this afternoon and Saturday


Linda Noble (Board Regents representative for Faculty Development) will be on the campus the same day as the Chancellor.  She will be here to host a series of forums about the CETL office.  This is in preparation for the vacancy in that office that needs to be filled.



Executive Committee (ECUS): Jan Clark, Chair


The Standing Committee representatives for the SACS Steering Committee so far are: Craig Turner, Beauty Bragg, Lucy Kachmarik, and Bruce Harshberger. There is still one representative to be elected from APC.


RPIPC will take on the task of working with Human Resources to look at faculty and staff years of service recognition dates.  RPIPC is also being asked to look at the Carnegie Community Engagement GAP report in regards to recommendations for dissemination and response.


CAPC will review the soon to be proposed revisions of the Shared University Learning Goals.


Sub-Committee on Nomination (SCoN) report: Ken McGill

The 2012-2013 Senate Election apportionment is complete and results in no changes in the number of senators from last year to this year.  The Deans will be notified.


Curriculum and Assessment Policy committee (CAPC): Ryan Brown, Chair

Previewed the motion from committee specifying the review process for new procedures for new concentrations. The motion will go to the Senate on October 28.

He reported that there are also working groups for looking at the assessment plan, as well as for reviewing courses for the Q.


Student Affairs Policy Committee (SAPC):  Dianne Chamblee, Chair

Reported that a student, with a disability could not get to west campus because there are no handrails on buses.  This is important for students with handicaps who are not in wheelchairs.  Another incidence was reported regarding the ramp into the Museum Education Room with a visiting School of Nursing Advisor Board member who is in a wheelchair.

Dee Sams discussed with the committee the problem with students not being made aware of experiential transcripts until the end of academic time.  Bruce Harshberger will talk with Sara Faircloth about how the students can be informed of this in their Freshman Seminar courses.


MAP Works is collecting data from sophomores.  The Sexual Harassment Policy is still being discussed.



Resource Planning and Institutional Policies (RPIPC):  Judith Malachowski, Chair

 Items that were discussed in the committee were problems with textbook orders.  A meeting with the bookstore manager was scheduled and a more collaborative approach between faculty and bookstore is encouraged.  Other items that were addressed on the next agenda are smoking on campus, shared leave, and sponsorship.  Cross walk safety on Hancock Street is also being investigated.


Faculty Affairs Policy Committee (FAPC):  David dePosada (for Craig Turner, Chair)


FAPC submitted the item of “start/end dates of academic year faculty contracts” for steering as this item is presently being considered by both Academic Policy Committee (APC) and FAPC.  A clarification was made by Bryan Marshall, which stated that APC does not have this item on their agenda. FAPC requested clarification as to the similar charges between FAPC and APC that may be bring about confusion during a steering process. 


FAPC presented their belief that “Standing Committee Officer Mentoring (guidance on operating procedures)," an item from the tentative FAPC agenda list from the 10 Aug 2011 governance retreat, is outside the scope of FAPC and is directed to Executive Committee for steering. ECUS will try to find out what the needs are in order to address this issue.


Requested a follow-up on the steering of the matter of “Years of Service Recognition Lag (e.g. 10 years of service recognized during the 11th year of service)” at the 14 Oct 2011 joint meeting of Standing Committee Chairs and Executive Committee noting this might more appropriately be considered by RPIPC than FAPC since years of service recognition is given for all employees (faculty and staff).


APC: Bryan Marshall (for Amy Pinney, Chair).


APC reported on the current policy regarding video or audio taping in the classroom. It was reported that video or audio recording of a class required both the permission of the faculty and the students. The policy is mean to protect the students in the class.


APC also reported that they had met with Alice Loper, Director of the Student Health Clinic, regarding the use of clinic receipts as an excuse from class. Mrs. Loper conveyed that the clinic receipt was not meant to be used in this manner since it included the student’s diagnosis and treatment.


Adjourned: 9:15 by Jan Clark

Next Meeting:  November 4, 2011

Location:  Parks 301 at 9:00 am


Recorded by Deborah MacMillan

Approved November 4, 2011

Action Items: 
Tentative Agenda: