Executive Committee of the University Senate


Dean Baker

Recorder Email: 
Meeting Date: 
Friday, January 28, 2011
Date of Next Meeting: 
Friday, February 18, 2011 - 11:00am
Location of Next Meeting: 

Presidents Conference Room

Executive Committee of the University Senate
Minutes Text: 

Present: Dean Baker, Tanya Goette, Jan Hoffman-Clark, Provost Jordan, Karynne Kleine, Ken McGill, Christine Zuger

Guest: Matthew Rogers

Regrets: President Leland


Provost's Report

  1. Provost Jordan reported all is going well on the campus front. There is nothing new to report about the state budget since the President's report to the campus. However, ongoing discussions are continuing at the state level about the budget.  The Provost reported the implementation of the new core is continuing. However, the Provost announced currently there are 11 approved courses; however, 11 more area B courses are needed. A question was asked about who owns the course. The Provost explained the department owns the course, staffs the course, but the course is not in the major. The Provost also announced the new associate Provost, Tom Ormand, is in place.

Unfinished Business

  1. Bylaws Drafting Committee
    • a. Election Process: Ken McGill provided a copy of the bylaws outlining the current election process. Ken reminded all present that ECUS is in charge of implementing the at-large election process. Ken announced there are plans for a survey tool to be implemented in the new Senate website for the ease of developing and administering surveys.  As the new survey tool is not up yet, Ken will develop a survey in a word document to send to all ECUS members surveying the at-large election process. 
    • b.Ken will also put together a survey to send to senators concerning the election of the presiding officers. The survey will also include a question about term limits for senators.
    • c. Process for calling an emergency committee: All agreed the issue for calling an emergency committee meeting will be sent to the bylaws drafting committee.
    • d.There was a question from a member of the by-laws committee on what the bylaws committee is really trying to accomplish with new language. It was agreed that the members of the bylaws committee will be invited to the next ECUS meeting.


  1. Calendar:
    • a.Tanya Goette asked for the survey to include the question about the switching of the committee meetings so no one committee will always meet during the late meeting time.
    • b.The President and the Provost will place the convocation on the calendar.
    • c. It was agreed that the common meeting time will be put on the Council of Chairs and Deans agenda.

New Business

  1. Communication issues:
    •  a.The Presiding Officer mentioned to the appropriate Dean that particular staff and faculty were not attending committee meetings and the problem was resolved.
    • b.The demise of the announce list was discussed and it was discussed that events can be announced such as music events and theatre events on the home page. The whole idea of the demise of the announce list was the overwhelming complaints of too many emails. Therefore, Erin Warnock is now the point person for sending campus messages. There are some complaints across campus of not knowing where to go announce an event.  It was discussed that Harry Baxton should hold a forum for soliciting improvements on the communication and how someone gets their information out to the campus community. Ken is to contact Harry Baxton about setting up a forum about campus communications and ideas for improvements.
    • c. There was some discussion about student emails and the decisions that need to be made about student email.
  2. Governance Retreat Planning Committee:
    • a. Karynne Kleine mentioned that the governance retreat planning committee never met. Karynne agreed to be the convener for getting the governance committee retreat planning committee together.
    •  b. Karynne also asked Tanya Goette to solicit for a member on the committee from the College of Business.


Action Items: 


  1. Bylaws Drafting Committee:
    1. Ken McGill to develop a survey concerning the at-large election process.
    2.  Ken McGill to develop a survey concerning the election of senate officers, term limits for senators, and the switching of common meeting times.
    3.  Ken McGill to invite the members of the bylaws drafting committee to the next ECUS meeting.
  2. Governance Calendar:
    1.  Ken McGill to add the switching of common meeting times to the survey.
    2.  The President and/or Provost to add the convocation to the governance    calendar.
    3.  The Provost to add the common meeting time issue to the Council of Chairs and Deans agenda.
  3. Communication Issues: Ken McGill to contact Harry Baxton.
  4. Governance Retreat Planning Committee:
    1. Karynne Kleine to convene the governance committee retreat planning committee.  
    2. Tanya Goette to solicit the College of Business for a member to be on the governance retreat planning committee.

The Provost, Jan Hoffman-Clark, and Tanya Goette send regrets for the next ECUS meeting

The meeting was adjourned at 12:15.

Tentative Agenda: 


  1. Senate 12:30 Jan 31st A&S 2-70
  2. ECUS 11:00 am President's Conference Room Feb 4th
  3. ECUS-SCC 11:00 am President's Conference Room Feb 18th
  4. ECUS 11:00 am President's Conference Room Feb 25th