Executive Committee of the University Senate


Dean Baker

Recorder Email: 
Location of Next Meeting: 

President's Conference Room Parks 301

Executive Committee of the University Senate
Minutes Text: 

Present: Dean Baker, Tanya Goette, Karynne Kleine, President Leland, Ken McGill, Christine Zuger


Guests:  Craig Turner, Catherine Whelan, Amy Pinney, Macon McGinley, Mike Digby (for Provost Jordan), Matthew Rogers, Barbara Roquemore.


Regrets: Jan Hoffman, Provost Jordan


  1. Approve Agenda: Approved
  2. Approve November 5th Minutes: Approved

President's Report 

President Leland:  The University System of Georgia’s  (USG) Chancellor search is starting. Georgia College is fortunate to have Craig Turner as part of that committee. Craig Turner announced there is a website available where  suggestions  and/or comments can be  submitted to the chancellor search committee. The Governor-elect has his transition team in place.  Georgia College budget hearings are next week from 11-1 on Wednesday and Thursday in the Museum Education Room.


Committee Reports 

  • Faculty Affairs Policy Committee (FAPC): Craig Turner circulated a committee summary handout (see attached).


·         Resource Planning and Institutional Policy Committee (RPIPC): Catherine Whelan reported two motions will be coming for vote before the next University Senate meeting.  The Motor Vehicle Use Policy and the Red Flag Rule Policy (which concerns institutions implementing an identity theft policy).


·         Student Affairs Policy Committee(SAPC): Macon McGinley reported a motion will be coming for vote before the University Senate. A revision of the “amnesty” policy to clarify the parameters of thepolicy that was passed in spring 2010. Also the committee will be examining policies regarding students being excused from class for religious observances.


  • Academic Policy Committee (APC): Amy Pinney reported that the data from the plus/minus survey was  distributed to committee members. The response was overwhelmingly negative especially from the students.  The committee decided to hold a forum, for discussion of the plus/minus grading issue, on January 24th at 12:30 for faculty and at 5:00 for students. The location is to be determined.  Amy requested a discussion, amongst all present, about having chair mentors to provide guidance for those new to their positions especially when committees face complex issues.



  • Curriculum and Assessment Policy Committee (CAPC): Barbara Roquemore distributed a handout describing the motions for University Senate vote (see attached). Masters of ARTS (M.A.) in Art Therapy, Doctor of Nursing Practice, and the Masters in Education and Literacy and Language Proposal. The Modern Foreign Language Proposals have been put on hold. Barbara reported there was major discussion amongst the CAPC committee members regarding two questions about area B core curriculum.  In an answer to the questions about area B core, Ken McGill stated the purview of CAPC does not include approving individual courses.  The approval of individual courses is the Undergraduate Core Curriculum’s (UCC). The UCC is a separate committee, appointed by the Provost. It was brought to the attention of all present that the UCC’s meetings are open.  Craig Turner asked for clarification concerning the context of core courses. It was his understanding that the General Education Council requires some documentation that the faculty, or some subset of, have approved the course before admitting the course. There was a suggestion for the Provost to answer this question. CAPC had a question, concerning the requirement of ENGL 1102, as to whether Georgia College’s core curriculum was approved by the BOR.CAPC has received two different letters regarding the approval of the core curriculum.  All present were reminded that curriculum is shared by the faculty as a whole.
  • Actions

  • Standing Chair Mentors: All agreed that a chair mentor would be beneficial for new chairs of standing committees.
  • Context of Core Courses: Ken McGill to route the question to Provost Jordan.

As all the standing committee business was finished, standing committee chairs were invited to stay for the duration of the meeting or they could leave. Craig Turner and Catherine Whelan opted to stay.

Unfinished Business 

  1. Bylaws Drafting Committee:
    • Term Limits: Ken McGill projected a draft of the term limits document on the overhead screen.  President Leland described another possibility for term limits is for the nominating committee to find the appropriate balance between seasoned members and new members on the senate and/or committees.  Discussion ensued about participation in the senate and University Committees.  Term limits were discussed as two contiguous terms. The actual policy was discussed as being a principle statement as broadening the participation and rotating leadership opportunities including mentoring a successor on the Senate.

At this point in the meeting Craig Turner and Catherine Whelan excused themselves.

  1. Resolution edits: Karynne Kleine distributed a draft of the resolution and it was projected overhead. The document was viewed and edited by all present.
  2. Calendar: Tanya Goette requested the calendar discussion to be deferred to the next ECUS meeting due to time constraints.

New Business 

  1. Announce List Concerns: Ken McGill discussed concerns voiced by several university personnel on the discontinuance of the ‘Announce List”. President Leland shared the historical evidence regarding the deletion of the announce list and there is a possibility there is a communication gap regarding the deletion of the “Announce List”.
  2. At-large faculty senator election procedure:  ECUS to plan the preparation including time-line (completion deadline March 1).
  3. Student E-mail: APC will look into the possibility of students using their preferred email instead of ECATS email.
  4. Study abroad policy: Karynne asked for consideration of the committee to routing the study abroad policy. The issues for consideration include information about the origination of the “policy” as well as faculty pay and faculty living or visiting the requested study abroad area before leading an established study-abroad program.
Action Items: 


1.     Bylaws Drafting Committee: Ken McGill to forward the draft of term limits to the bylaws drafting committee for further vetting.

2.     Resolution: Ken McGill to email the edited resolution to Dean Baker (secretary) for inclusion in the minutes.

3.     Governance Calendar: Tanya Goette will present the Governance Calendar at the next ECUS meeting.


4.     Announce List: President Leland to alert Harry Bateson that the communication about the announce list survey may not have been completely communicated to the campus community.

5.     At large Senate Election: ECUS to discuss the at-large senate election at the next ECUS meeting November 19th.

6.     Student Email: Ken McGill will route to APC for discussion.

7.     Study Abroad Policy: Ken McGill to route to APC for discussion.



ECUS meeting Nov 19th

Receive election procedures by December 1 (schools, library)

ECUS Dec 3rd

ECUS and SCC Jan 21st

Tentative Agenda: 

Tentative Agenda ECUS Meeting November 19

1.    At-large Senate Election

2.    Governance Calendar

3.    University Senate Meeting Nov 29th