Minutes 1-14-11


Dr. Cynthia Rodriguez Cano

Recorder Email: 
Location of Next Meeting: 

University Dining Room

Student Affairs Policy Committee
Minutes Text: 

Myron Alberto Avila, Cynthia Rodriguez Cano, Dianne Chamblee, Jennifer Graham, Bruce Harshbarger, Macon McGinley, Zach Mullins, Tom Miles

Regrets:  Sara Doude, Shaina McGill

Absent:  Claire Cantrell, Evan Kaaranovich, Rebecca McMullen, Paul Sanford

Action Items: 

The proposal Religious Observance Policy as reviewed and revised as follows:  1) reference to GCSU was changed to reflect the new brand, GC; 2) reference to the types of alternative assignments was eliminated; 3) students requesting relief under the policy must notify instructors within the first week of the semester; 4) accmmodation under the policy is subject to the GC Honor Code; and 5) faculty are required to include a notice of the existence of the policy in course syllabi.

The Greek Expansion Policy was approved as presented.

Tentative Agenda: 

Not available at time of posting.