Student Affairs Policy Committee Meeting August 10, 2011
Joshua F. Kitchens
Senate Retreat Meeting, August 10, 2011, 1:00 pm, West Campus
In Attendance
Dianne Chamblee Mike Augustine
Joshua Kitchens Jennifer Graham
Bruce Harshbarger Scott Butler
Evan Karanovich Rebecca McMullen
Toi Franks, Dee Simms
Matters Addressed
The meeting was called to order by Dr. Dianne Chamblee, facilitator for the organizational meeting. The following matters were addressed.
A brief discussion of about whether or not the Vice Chair should be the Chair Elect next year was help. It was discussed that chair elect could be chosen in the spring.
At our first meeting it was decided that the committee would go over its charge and set priorities for the year.
A discussion was a held concerning participation and activity of the SPAC committee last year. Jennifer Graham mentioned several things the committee had passed included the Religious Observance Policy. This led to a discussion of how to locate policies that the committee had passed and that had been approved.
A discussion of changing the time and date for the first fall semester meeting occurred. It was decided by unanimous consent of the members present to change the date to August 31 at 3:00 pm – 4:45
The only announce was that a reminder about the committee meeting would be sent out prior to the meeting. A location for this meeting would be announced at this time as well.
Being no further business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 1:30 pm.
Joshua F. Kitchens, Secretary