Student Affairs Policy Committee Meeting January 13, 2012


Joshua Kitchens

Recorder Email: 
Meeting Date: 
Friday, January 13, 2012
Date of Next Meeting: 
Friday, February 3, 2012 - 3:30pm
Location of Next Meeting: 

Health Sciences 213

Student Affairs Policy Committee
Minutes Text: 





January 13, 2012, 3:30 pm, Health Sciences 213


In Attendance


Dianne Chamblee              Mike Augustine                    Jennifer Graham

Bruce Harshbarger             Rebecca McMullen              Maxwell Pichen

Toi Franks                             Dorren Sams



            Evan Karanovich                              Scott Butler                           Amy Burt



  1. I.                Call to order


The meeting was called to order at 3:30 by the Chair, Dianne Chamlee.


  1. II.              Approval of Agenda


The Agenda was submitted to the committed. Dee Sams moved to approve the agenda and Maxwell seconded. The agenda passed unanimously.


  1. III.            Approval of 12/3/11 Minutes


The minutes from the October 4 meeting were submitted for approval to the committee. Several corrections to the minutes were made. The minutes were approved by unanimous consent with the corrections.


  1. IV.           Members Reports


The membership reports were not given at this meeting due to more pressing business.


  1. V.             Old Business  - 2011-2012 Committee Charges



  1. a.    Review of Sexual Harassment Policy


Jennifer Graham mentioned the committee working on this document had not meet in this calendar year, so there was nothing to report.


  1. b.    Initiative that supports student retention


Mike Augustine provided the committee with data and information from the strategic enrollment plan. The committee discussed this information briefly. Dianne Chamblee reported to the committee that our original charge to support student retention came from ECUS. The committee also discussed the idea of a emergency fund/loan fund on campus. Jenna Graham will investigate if such a fund exists on campus by contacting the foundation


The committee decided that the strategic enrollment plan was handling student retention well. The committee has decided to put its efforts into financial assistants for students.


  1. c.    Bobcat Vision Management and Use Guidelines (from SGA)


Evan brought the finalize version of the Bobcat Vision Management policy to the committee. The committee reviewed the document again. The policy was brought up for a vote and passed unanimously.


  1. d.    Experiential Credits – Bruce Harshbarger


The committee discussed what could be done to support the experiential transcript. It was decided the best method for doing this was to encourage faculty include information about this on their syllabi.


  1. e.    Impact of Change in Common Meeting Times – Members


Bruce Harsbarger, who attended ECUS, mentioned that another senate committee was researching the impact of the change to the common meeting time. This group will take this issue further. Dee Sims, who independent study, will now begin working with this group.


  1. VI.           New business


The committee discussed student travel funds. Maxwell informed the committee that travel funds were available through SGA. The committee then briefly discussed the recent survey concerning undergraduate research on campus.


  1. VII.          Next meeting: Date/Time/Location/Committee Communication


Next Meeting will be in Health Sciences 213 at 3:30 on February 3, 2012


  1. VIII.        Adjournment


                        The meeting adjourned at 4:45                                       


                        Joshua Kitchens, Secretary

Action Items: 
Tentative Agenda: