Student Affairs Policy Committee Meeting March 2, 2012
Joshua Kitchens
March 2, 2012, 3:30 pm, Health Sciences 209
In Attendance
Mike Augustine Jennifer Graham Rebecca McMullen
Amy Burt Josh Kitchens Scott Butler
Paul Jahr(for Bruce Harshbarger) Doreen Sims
Evan Karanovich Maxwell Pichen Dianne Chamblee
Cathy Crawley – Financial Aid
- I. Call to order
The meeting was called to order at 3:30 by the Co-Chair, Scott Butler.
- II. Approval of Agenda
The Agenda was submitted to the committee for approval. The agenda was approved unanimously.
- III. Approval of 11/4/11 Minutes
Minutes were approved with corrections made.
IV. Guest – Cathy Crawly Financial Aide
- Cathy discussed the various kinds of emergency funds available to students. She explained that there are two types of short-term loans available, short-term loans and emergency loans. The short-term loans are only for tuition and fees. These are repaid with in six weeks. An emergency loan is a loan of approximately 200 dollars and could be used for doctors fees, car repairs, etc. Cathy explained that both of these funds have little money in them, and to help out finical aid the best solution would be for faculty and staff to donate money to student scholarships or finical aid discretionary funds.
- IV. Members Reports
- There were no member reports
- V. Old Business - 2011-2012 Committee Charges
- a. Review of Sexual Misconduct Policy
- Jennifer passed around a draft of the policy as it is currently. She asked all members direct any questions about this policy towards her. It was pointed out that this policy is a new policy and it does not replace the campus sexual harassment policy.
- b. Initiative that supports student retention
- The committee brought up the idea of a sophomore picnic to help students at the midpoint of their academic career. The committee also discussed the issue of alternative pathways for students who were no accepted into programs with caps. Mike mentioned that the Strategic Enrollment Plan deals with this issue.
- VI. New business
There was no new business
- VII. Next meeting: Date/Time/Location/Committee Communication
Next Meeting will be in Health Sciences 213 at 3:30 on April 6, 2012
- VIII. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 4:45
Joshua Kitchens, Secretary