Subcommitee on Core Curriculum Minutes 2012-10-03
A. Kay Anderson
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Mary Magoulick at 12 noon in Arts & Sciences Room 216.
Members Present: Scott Butler, Kevin Crabb, Esther Lopez, Mary Magoulick, Stephanie McClure, Amy Sumpter, and Kay Anderson
Regrets: John Swinton
Absent: Martha Allen, Cara Meade
Guest: Jason Huffman
Approval of Minutes
The minutes from the September 26, 2012 meeting were approved as submitted.
Action Items
GC2Y 2000 Ten Plants as an Area B2 Section (Resubmission)
The committee reviewed the revised submission, and asked that the writing outcomes be adjusted to include a clause about the analytical nature of the course work. The course will also need the UPS information form so it can be forwarded to the Provost’s Office.
Discussion Items
Web Site. Jason Huffman updated the SoCC submission forms on the Provost’s web site. Catherine Whelan, University Senate Chair, is working on having SoCC added to the University Senate web site. At that point, we will move all the forms links over so that they are more accessible. We also need to pick some GC1Y and GC2Y sections that have been particularly well-written to post as examples.
GC2Y Load. The committee discussed issues of faculty load for the GC2Y courses, and how faculty could be assured that they will receive credit for teaching that additional hour of coursework. The committee also discussed how this credit would be different for various disciplines. Overall, the greatest concern is that the four-hour course may become a disincentive for faculty if they are not credited appropriately, and chairs may not encourage faculty to teach GC2Y classes because of the additional issues of crediting load. Stephanie McClure and Mary Magoulick agreed to draft a statement for the committee to forward to the provost.
Next Meeting
The committee will meet on Wednesday, October 10, 2012, at 12 noon, in A&S 216.
The committee adjourned at 1:05 p.m.