Subcommittee on Core Curriculum Minutes 2012-09-12
A. Kay Anderson
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Mary Magoulick at 12 noon in Arts & Sciences Room 236.
Members Present: Martha Allen, Scott Butler, Kevin Crabb, Esther Lopez, Mary Magoulick, Cara Meade, Amy Sumpter, and Kay Anderson
Regrets: Stephanie McClure, John Swinton
Guest: Jason Huffman
Approval of Minutes
The minutes from the September 5, 2012 meeting were approved as submitted.
Action Items
MKTG 3180 International Marketing Environment for the Global Overlay (Resubmission)
After review, the committee recommended a change in the wording of the outcome statements to remove “demonstrate,” “examine,” and “understand” and replace these words with that would allow assessment, or to just use the first outcome. As soon as these minor changes are made, the committee is ready to approve the proposal.
GEOG 1101 Introduction to Human Geography for the Global Overlay
After review, the committee recommended a change in the outcomes by removing the methods of assessment (assignments, exams, etc) and by combining the first and second outcomes. As soon as these minor changes are made, the committee is ready to approve the proposal. Because this is a core course, this course will also need further approval by the system’s discipline and General Education committees.
GC2Y 2000 Global Connections as an Area B2 Section
After review, the committee requested that all references to the assessment measure and specific course topics be removed from the outcome statements. The committee clarified that the 4th hour had to include an additional 15 hours of scheduled course meeting time. As soon as these minor changes are made, the committee is ready to approve the proposal.
Proposal to Count Courses from the International Plan toward the Global Overlay
The committee discussed a proposal to count all courses currently in the International Plan as global overlay courses. Last week, department chairs were asked for feedback on the proposal to approve all of these courses for the global overlay, and the responses were almost all positive. The committee was provided with a list of courses that are currently in the International Plan for review. Any courses in the International Plan that have already been approved for the global overlay were removed from this list. In addition, courses that were no longer offered were removed. Topics courses were also removed, as we have no means of tracking section-specific approvals for such courses. Further, one course on the list, GEOG 3500, was recently split to into separate sections, and all of the resulting courses except those that were focused on North America and the US were included on the list. After discussion, the committee approved the proposal with a vote of 7-0-0. This proposal will now be forwarded to CAPC and University Senate as an information item.
Proposal to Count Study Abroad Experiences toward the Global Overlay.
The committee proposed to count any student’s study abroad experience as a one global overlay. No stipulation was made as to the length or location of the study abroad program; the committee felt that even shorter experiences in primarily Western countries provided students with sufficient global experience to count for the overlay. Upon a vote, the proposal was approved with a vote of 7-0-0. This proposal will now be forward to CAPC and University Senate as an information item. If there is interest and/or need in the future, this proposal can be reconsidered to include more than one overlay credit for lengthier study abroad programs or experiences.
Discussion Items
Core Curriculum Assessment Proposal
The committee reviewed the proposal forwarded by the University Assessment Team. The committee discussed issues related to the assessments that will be used, the requirements of faculty teaching these sections, and how student work would be chosen for assessment. Discussion on the proposal will continue at the next meeting.
Core Assessment Forums. The committee will host open forums to get faculty feedback on the core assessment proposal before the end of September. Cara Meade, John Swinton, and Jason Huffman will be asked to attend and lead each of the sessions; other members of the committee should attend as available. Dates will be determined in the coming week.
Demystifying the Approval Process. The committee reviewed a handout designed to help prospective submitters through the approval process. This will be posted with our other information on the web.
Web Page Changes. The committee also discussed necessary changes to the web sites, including updates of forms through the Provost’s web site, and inclusion of SoCC on the University Senate web site.
Next Meeting
The committee will meet on Wednesday, September 19, 2012, at 12 noon, in A&S 216.
The committee adjourned at 1:37 p.m.