Subcommittee on Core Curriculum Minutes 2013-03-13


A. Kay Anderson

Recorder Email: 
Meeting Date: 
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Date of Next Meeting: 
Wednesday, March 20, 2013 - 12:00pm
Location of Next Meeting: 

A&S 216

Subcommittee on the Core Curriculum
Minutes Text: 

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by John Swinton at 12:07 p.m. in Arts & Sciences Room 216.


Members Present: Martha Allen, Mary Magoulick, Stephanie McClure, Cara Meade, John Swinton, and Kay Anderson
Regrets: Scott Butler, Kevin Crabb, Esther Lopez, Amy Sumpter,
Guest: Doug Oetter

Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the March 6 meeting were approved with one correction.

Information Item

GC1Y and GC2Y Sections Name Change. Steve Elliott-Gower has requested that the title of the GC1Y and GC2Y sections “Seven Revolutions” be changed to “Global Challenges.” This is consistent with a name change and rebranding for the AASCU consortium that develops the materials used in these sections. The course content is unchanged. The committee accepted this change as an information item.

Action Items

GC2Y 1000 Public and Collective Memory as an Area B1 Section
Upon review, the committee approved this section with a vote of 5-0-0. This section will now be forwarded to CAPC and University Senate as an information item.

MUSC 1200 Introduction to Music Literature as a Global Overlay Course
This course is already approved for Area C. It was proposed as a global overlay course last year, approved by SoCC, and sent on to the system general education committee, where it was not approved for the overlay. Based on the feedback received, we suspect that there was some confusion at the system level about this course already being a part of our core and only needing approval for the global overlay. As such, it is being resubmitted. The content of this course is unchanged since the last review for the global overlay. Upon a vote, the committee approved this course for inclusion in the global overlay with a vote of 5-0-0. This course will now be forwarded to CAPC and University Senate an information item, then to the Provost’s Office, and then to the system disciplinary and general education committees for review.

GEOG 1112 & 1112L Introduction to Weather and Climate as an Area D Course for Non-Science Majors
This proposal was received earlier in the year and was returned to A&S for review by their C&I Committee before consideration by SoCC. That approval was received earlier this term. After discussion, the committee approved this course with a vote of 5-0-0. This course will now be forwarded to CAPC and University Senate an information item, then to the Provost’s Office, and then to the system disciplinary and general education committees for review.

GEOG 1113 & 1113L Introduction to Landforms
This proposal was also received earlier in the year and was returned to A&S for review by their C&I Committee before consideration by SoCC. That approval was received earlier this term. After discussion, the committee approved this course with a vote of 5-0-0. This course will now be forwarded to CAPC and University Senate an information item, then to the Provost’s Office, and then to the system disciplinary and general education committees for review.

Discussion Items

GC1Y Assessment. The committee discussed the results from the GC1Y assessment, particularly that there might not be a shared understanding on campus about what level of critical thinking should be expected based on our students’ development level and capability as first-year students. Suggestions included modifying the rubric by providing more information for faculty to use when assessing this area, and conducting workshops or campus conversations. The committee discussed hosting a discussion during this fall’s Assessment Day, and having a representative from each department attend. Cara will check on options for including this discussion in Assessment Day.

Global Overlay Assessment. This year we still need to complete a pilot assessment on the global overlay. A committee has been working on a rubric for this area, and it was distributed to GC2Y instructors for feedback in February. The committee decided to send a request to all GC2Y faculty and ask them to complete this rubric for the students in one of their GC2Y sections to assess the global overlay, in addition to the rubric they are already completing for the GC2Y section itself. Cara will contact the faculty teaching GC2Y and make this request.

Next Meeting

The committee will meet on Wednesday, March 20, 2013, at 12 noon, in A&S 216.


The committee adjourned at 12:52 p.m.

Action Items: 
Tentative Agenda: