Subcommittee on Core Curriculum Minutes 2014-02-19


A. Kay Anderson

Recorder Email: 
Meeting Date: 
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Date of Next Meeting: 
Wednesday, February 26, 2014 - 12:45pm
Location of Next Meeting: 

Atkinson Hall 202

Subcommittee on the Core Curriculum
Minutes Text: 

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by John Swinton at 12:45 p.m. in Atkinson 202.


Voting Members Present: Roberta Gorham, Mary Magoulick, Cara Meade, Yeprem Mehranian, Chavonda Mills, Amy Sumpter, John Swinton, Shaundra Walker
Non-Voting Member Present: Kay Anderson
Regrets: Scott Butler
Guest: Rui Kang

Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the January 22nd and February 5th meetings were approved with one revision. The January 29th and February 12th meetings were cancelled as a result of inclement weather, so there were minutes from those weeks.

Action Items

GC2Y 2000 Globalization, Cultures, and Education as an Area B2 Section (Resubmission)
Cara worked with the facilitators to clarify the disposition statements. Inclusion of these statements are typical to education programs. The submitters moved these outcomes into a “desired’ section rather than listing them as required outcome. During discussion, the committee also suggested splitting the first outcome into two separate statements. Upon a vote, the section was approved with a vote of 7-0-0. This section will now be forwarded to CAPC and University Senate as an information item and to the Provost for final approval.

KINS 4353 Global Public Health for the Global Overlay
Upon a vote, this course was approved with a vote of 7-0-0. This course will now be forwarded to CAPC and University Senate as an information item and to the Provost for final approval.

Discussion Item

Fees for GC1Y Courses. A question was raised about whether a fee could be added to a GC1Y course. The university currently does not have the ability to place fees on individual GC1Y sections. Instructors desiring additional funding are encouraged to discuss options with their chair.

Bylaw Changes. At the committee’s last meeting, it accepted some wording changes from the Executive Committee of University Senate (ECUS) to make the language consistent with other similar governance documents and to clarify that the University Assessment Team member was to be chosen by the University Assessment Team. The committee continued discussion on the recommended membership distribution. Discussion focused on whether there should be more than one representative, from different disciplines, from Area D; this would be similar to the split between Area A English and Area A Math. Area D now includes science, mathematics, and computer science. Mathematics will already be represented through the Area A Math representative. The differences in disciplines, the different number of outcomes, and the way that each of these areas are assessed were identified as major difference between Area D and other areas. If SoCC maintains some responsibility for core assessment, it will be important to have each of these areas represented in the discussion. We would not have the same issue with Area C or E, in which assessment for each area is conducted in the same manner. Mary moved that the committee amend the proposal to increase the number of members to no fewer than 11 and to separate the Area D representative into two positions: Area D Science and Area D Technology. Amy seconded the motion. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried without dissent.

ECUS also suggested an additional change to the officer section, to state that only elected faculty senators or teaching representatives are eligible to serve as the committee chair; but any member of the committee s eligible to serve as the vice chair or secretary. Mary moved that the committee accept the recommendation. Amy seconded the motion. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried without dissent.

These approvals will be sent back to the ECUS. ECUS has indicated that after SoCC submitted feedback on their recommendations that this proposal will be added to an agenda for an upcoming Senate meeting.

Chair Visits. At the request of the Associate Provost, Tom Ormond, John Swinton, Cara Meade, and Kay Anderson will be visiting the chairs meetings in each college to discuss the committee’s work and current processes, request additional overlays, and respond to questions and concerns. The first meeting is with the College of Health Science chairs on March 4.

Next Meeting

The committee’s next meeting will be Wednesday, February 26, 2014, at 12:45 p.m. in Atkinson 202.

Amy requested some time at next meeting to address some additional revisions to approval forms. Kay also requested that the committee revisit discussion on amending one of the required global overlay requirements to include options for cultural or domestic diversity.


The committee adjourned at 1:45 p.m.

Action Items: 
Tentative Agenda: