University Curriculum Committee Minutes 2012-02-16


A. Kay Anderson

Recorder Email: 
Meeting Date: 
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Date of Next Meeting: 
Thursday, February 23, 2012 - 8:30am
Location of Next Meeting: 

Arts and Sciences 315

Subcommittee on the Core Curriculum
Minutes Text: 

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by John Swinton at 8:30 a.m., in Arts & Sciences Room 315.


Members Present: Martha Allen, Esther Lopez, Mary Magoulick, Stephanie McClure, John Swinton, Caralyn Zender, and Kay Anderson
Regrets: Scott Butler, Kevin Crabb, Cara Meade


The committee approved the minutes of February 9 as distributed.

Action Item

GC2Y 2000 Hip Hop Culture and Interdisciplinary Studies Methodology as an Area B2 Section (Resubmission)
The committee approved this course via an online vote earlier in the week. This section will now be forward to CAPC and University Senate as an information item.

GC2Y 2000 Ethics and What We Eat as an Area B2 Section
The committee reviewed the outcomes from the perspective of future assessment requirements. The committee recommended that B2 outcomes related to specific activities be dropped, and that the submitter consider condensing the global overlay outcomes into one global outcome. These comments will be sent to the submitter, and the committee is ready to approve the section as soon as these edits and the signature sheet are received.

The committee discussed the use of part-time or limited term faculty for the GC1Y and GC2Y courses. As these courses were intended to showcase the GC experience, be a unique aspect of our curriculum, and allow students to develop long-term relationships with faculty, the committee strongly recommends that allocations be made to ensure that GC1Y and GC2Y courses be taught by full-time, tenure-track or tenured faculty, and that part-time or limited term faculty be used to cover resulting needs in the departments. John Swinton moved that this recommendation be endorsed by the committee and forwarded to the Provost. Stephanie McClure seconded the motion. Upon a vote, the motion passed without dissent.

Discussion Items
Steve Elliott-Gower has agreed to help us with the GC1Y gathering. We are waiting on confirmation of a room assignment, and then invitations will go out to the faculty.

Kay Anderson received a question regarding the GC2Y fourth hour, and whether faculty members who were teaching more than one GC2Y section could have all their students meet together for a shared fourth hour. As long as this shared meeting time continued to include regular contact as required for the course, the committee agreed that this type of fourth hour meeting met the requirements for the additional hour.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be February 23, at 8:30 am.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 a.m.


Action Items: 
Tentative Agenda: