Motion History for 1112.APC.002.P

On behalf of: 
Source Committee
During the 2012-2013 academic year, Catherine Whelan and Craig Turner were authorized by the 2012-2013 Executive Committee (at its 28 Sep 2012 meeting) to amend certain motions in the online motion database for consistency with the actions documented in the minutes of the University Senate. This motion (1112.APC.002.P) was among those to be amended. Two amendments for this motion are in order. First: At the 24 Feb 2012 meeting, a motion to COMMIT Motion 1112.APC.001.P for refinement and rewording in the approved format was made by Catherine Whelan, seconded, and approved. There is a Motion 1112.APC.001.C separate and distinct from this motion. Second: When this motion was reconsidered by the University Senate at its 20 Apr 2012 meeting, the first version of the motion (1112.APC.001.P) was replaced with Motion 1213.APC.002.P and the text of Motion 1213.APC.002.P that was acted on by the University Senate is as follows: To add the following as a required statement on course syllabi Electronic Recording Policy: Electronic video and/or audio recording is not permitted during any class unless the student obtains permission from the instructor and every student present. If permission is granted, any distribution of the recording is prohibited. Violation of this policy is grounds for removal from the class and referral for disciplinary action. Students granted specific electronic recording accommodations from Disability Services do not require special permission; however, the instructor must be notified. Any distribution is prohibited. This note was added by Craig Turner on 25 Nov 2012.