Add MATH courses to Areas A and D

General Information

Motion Number: 0506.AG.012.O
Source Committee: Academic Governance Committee
Motion Status: Implementation Complete
Motion Type: Other
Referenced Material: 

Undergraduate Catalog: Core Requirements

Motion Text: 

To add a new course, MATH 1115 Integrated Calculus 1A, to satisfy the mathematics requirement in Core Area A or Area D and to add a new course, MATH 1116 Integrated Calculus 1B, to satisfy the mathematics requirement in Core Area D.

Action log: 
Placed on University Senate Agenda on April 6, 2006 - 4:00 AM
Recommended to University President to Approve on April 24, 2006 - 4:00 AM
Motion signed by Cheryl Reynolds, Presiding Officer on July 6, 2006 - 4:00 AM
Motion signed by President Dorothy Leland on July 21, 2006 - 4:00 AM