A Call for Increased Local Control of Campus Health and Safety Measures, Including Measures Necessary to Address COVID-19
General Information
In order to better align Georgia College to its core values of reason, respect, and responsibility; and to create a safer learning environment; and to avoid discrimination against those who are immunocompromised or highly vulnerable to COVID infection: University Senate recommends that Georgia College change its mitigation measures by adopting the current Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines, and as appropriate, industry best practices, with regards to masking, asymptomatic and symptomatic testing, and temporary course mode changes. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/colleges-universitie...
WHEREAS the prevalence of COVID-19 in our community is at a level to cause deep concern; and
WHEREAS the Georgia College University Senate notes that operational constraints imposed by the University System of Georgia and Board of Regents prevent our institution from implementing an appropriate response to maintain the health and safety of our campus; therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, the Georgia College University Senate requests that the Chancellor, University System of Georgia, and Board of Regents immediately release public health control of our campus to local administrators and shared governance so that the institution may adopt appropriate and necessary mitigation measures, including but not limited to rules related to masking, asymptomatic and symptomatic testing, and temporary course mode changes, to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 on our campus.