Executive Committee Meeting Minutes September 2, 2011


Deborah MacMillan

Recorder Email: 
Location of Next Meeting: 

Parks 301

Executive Committee of the University Senate
Minutes Text: 

Jan Clark (Hoffmann), Sandra Jordan, Deborah MacMillan, Ken McGill, Lyndall Muschell, Stas Preczewski, Matt Rogers, Edward Whatley, Catherine Whelan



Call to Order

Jan Clark called to order at 9:05 am.  Agenda approve

Action Items: 

President's Report

Stas Preczewski reported briefly on the process for the new presidents search and the article that was recently in the newspaper. He has been meeting with different organization and schools.   He has requested that all facilities and schools needs be reported by September 20th to President’s office.


Chair of Board or Regents and Facilities Committee received GCSU report regarding updating and preserving Ennis.


 Dr. Preczewski will be involved on the system level in laying out Retention, Progression and Graduation (RPG) metrics.  Future increases in funding will be tied to progress towards the goals laid out by Dr. Leland last year. This report is due in October.  


Discussed the Advisory salary growth on campuses. Only 9% of all employees make over 100,000. AJC article.


Provost’s Report

Sandra Jordan provided a brief report on SAC preparation. The University is process of reviewing a software product that addresses SAC compliance and also strategic planning.  Three finalized so far that are being reviewed by a committee.  This compliance software is to address a number of new SAC’s standards.


 Compliance Report will be completed this year and QEP will not completed until next year. Some of the anticipated important areas for SACs will probably be related to assessment and faculty credentialing. The other big project is visioning process for this campus; this should drive all of the decisions about where Georgia College wants to go.


New Business

Draft executive committee operating procedures: Ken McGill will send a copy of last years operating procedures and Jan will send to committee members for an email vote.


Senate retreat reports recommendations: retreat planning committee membership and timeline. The Planning Committee is working on a report from the retreat and will present this at the full Senate Committee. 

Website archivist and merging of green page info with new site.  Jan Clark will ask Nancy Davis Bray if she is willing to continue in this role.  Matt Rodgers is transferring the material on the green page.


Catherine Whelan will be the USGFC representative for this year.


Ken McGill will assistant Jan Clark with the preparation of the Governance calendar preparation and timeline by October 7th with technical from Matt Rodgers.


Ken McGill will do the Election apportionment and timetable due by Oct 7th.


Catherine Whelan will be the USGFC representative for this year with technical assistance from Matt Rodgers.


Unfinished Business

Election recommendations for future Presiding Officer Elect, this discussion will continue at the next meeting.

Scheduling meeting the rest of Fall and Spring


Tentative Agenda: 



Next meeting October 7, 9-10am Parks 301


Regrets from Presidents for next meeting.


Approved:  September 2, 2011