Subcommittee on Core Curriuclum Minutes 2013-01-23


A. Kay Anderson

Recorder Email: 
Meeting Date: 
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Date of Next Meeting: 
Wednesday, January 30, 2013 - 12:00pm
Location of Next Meeting: 

A&S 216

Subcommittee on the Core Curriculum
Minutes Text: 

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by John Swinton at 12 noon in Arts & Sciences Room 216.


Members Present: Martha Allen, Scott Butler, Kevin Crabb, Esther Lopez, Mary Magoulick, Stephanie McClure, Cara Meade, Amy Sumpter, John Swinton and Kay Anderson
Guest: Jason Huffman

Action Items

GC2y 2000 Human Migration as an Area B2 Section
The committee recommended some minor revisions to the outcome statements and requested some clarification on the learning beyond the classroom component. Upon a vote, the committee approved the proposal 8-0-0. After the revisions are completed, the proposal will be forwarded to the Provost’s Office for processing and to CAPC and University Senate as an information item.

Discussion Items

Assessment Update
Cara Meade announced that all of the rubric data from the assessment of Fall 2012 courses had been compiled. The committee discussed options for recording and using the rubric data that was not submitted as requested and that did not include all of the same data elements. The committee also began a discussion regarding what they would like to see when the data came to SoCC for analysis.

Cara reminded the committee that SoCC would be responsible for drafting the SACS standard regarding general education outcomes and assessment.

Cara also announced that training sessions were schedule for faculty using course based assessment.

Next Meeting

The committee will meet on Wednesday, January 30, 2013, at 12 noon, in A&S 216.


The committee adjourned at 1:00 p.m.

Action Items: 
Tentative Agenda: