University Senate Minutes 31 Jan 2011


Dean Baker

Recorder Email: 
Meeting Date: 
Monday, January 31, 2011
Date of Next Meeting: 
Monday, February 28, 2011 - 12:30pm
Location of Next Meeting: 

A&S 272

Minutes Text: 

Present: Susan Allen, Kirk Armstrong, Dean Baker, Beauty Bragg, Ryan Brown, Sara buck-Doude, Bevan Burgamy, Dianne Chamblee, Jan Hoffman-Clark, Lee Digiovanni, Jennifer Flory, Sandra Gangstead, Lee Gillis, Tanya Goette, Jennifer Graham, Diane Gregg, Liz Havey, Donna Ingram, Sandra Jordan, Karynne Kleine, Dorothy Leland, Mary Magoulick, Judith Malachowski, Ken McGill, Shaina McGill, Rebecca McMullen, Fadhili Mshana, Zachary Mullins, Lyndall Muschell, Amy Pinney, Barbara Roquemore, Mike Rose, Chris Skelton, John Swinton, Craig Turner, Edward Whatley, Catherine Whelan, Mike Whitfield, Howard Woodard

Absent: Stephen Auerbach, Myron Alberto Avila, Jen Maraziti, Charles Ubah


Regrets: Andrei Barkovskii, Lucy Kachmarik, Evan Karanovich, Macon McGinley, William Risch, Deborah Vess, Christine Zuger


Guests: Matthew Rogers, Tom Ormond


  1. Ken McGill called the meeting to order at 12:30 PM
  2. Approve January 31st Agenda-SENATE ACTION APPROVED
  3. Approve November 29th minutes-SENATE ACTION APPROVED AS AMENDED

President's Report 

  1. President Leland -gave the Presidents report. The State of University Address was reiterated.  Provost Jordan introduced, Tom Ormond, Associate Provost. The president addressed a question about zero-based budgeting. 


Committee Reports

  1. Curriculum and Assessment Policy Committee (CAPC)-Barbara Roquemore reported for CAPC:


  1. Student Affairs Policy Committee (SAPC)-Jennifer Graham reported for SAPC:

    • GCSU Senate Motion 1011.SAPC.003.P-Greek Expansion Policy-SENATE APPROVED
    • Motion Text- To adopt the supporting document entitled "Greek Expansion Policy" as University policy.
    • GCSU Senate Motion 1011.SAPC.004.B-Religious Observance Attendance Policy-SENATE APPROVED
    • Motion Text- To adopt the supporting document entitled "Religious Observance Attendance Policy" as University policy.
    • Student Government Association (SGA): Zach Mullins reported for SGA: The SGA is working on getting finalization of the unveiling of the bobcat statue, dedicated a tree, plus/minus grading forum, sponsorship for the bell tower bricks. Homecoming tailgate party was discussed. The SGA is also working on bobcat paws for paws for a cause.


  1. Executive Committee of the University Senate (ECUS)- Ken McGill reported for ECUS:

    • Core Updates-Provost Jordan provided the core curriculum update: The core is to be rolled out fall semester 2011. University Curriculum Committee (UCC) continues to review courses as these courses are submitted. GCSU is still waiting for a few of the requests to go through at the state level (i.e. math). UCC is still vetting courses for area B. Currently 10 courses have been approved and there are 14 sections for Fall 2011. However, 22-23 sections are needed. Faculty received a request to develop new courses for the core. Currently academic advising, CETL, and the registrar’s office are working on developing training for the new core.
    • Website Report-Matt Rogers reported that hopefully the new site will integrate with the senate agenda.
    • Communication issues-Ken Mcgill addressed the communications issue. Harry Batson will be sending an announcement about fora on how and where the GCSU community is to post announcements. ECUS is in the process of developing a survey, to be sent to the entire University Senate, about bylaws changes concerning election procedures.


  1. Academic Policy Committee (APC)-Amy Pinney reported for APC: The committee has discussed the plus/minus fora and APC was asked to gather more information. APC will be considering the current best practices on student emails. APC also examined issues surrounding study abroad and decided the current policy for study abroad is sufficient and needs to be followed.   


  1. Resources, Planning, and Institutional Policy Committee (RPIPC)-Catherine Whelan reported for RPIPC:  RPIPC will be meeting with President Leland to discuss the budget issues which President Leland addressed in the State of University address. There being no business RPIPC there is not a scheduled meeting in January or February.


  1. Faculty Affairs Policy Committee (FAPC)-Craig Turner provided the FAPC report: [See attached report] There was discussion about the location of the narrative comments from students for the on-line Student Opinion Surveys (SOS) and it was determined that these SOS narrative comments are available on-line within the department chairs’ menu. During the discussion about the selling and buying of textbooks a suggestion was made for the committee to not underestimate the value of textbooks. There was also a suggestion for an interpretation of the state gratuity law.
  2. As there was no further senate business, a motion to adjourn was made, seconded, and approved.  The meeting was adjourned at 1:35 pm



  1. US Committees February 4th
  2. ECUS 11:00 am President's Conference Room

    • February 4th
    • February 18th with SCC
    • February 25th
Action Items: 
Tentative Agenda: