University Curriculum Committee Minutes 9/22/10

Recorder Email: 
Location of Next Meeting: 
Subcommittee on the Core Curriculum
Minutes Text: 

UCC Minutes 9/22/10


Present: Ken Farr, Roxanne Farrar, Steve Elliott-Gower, Alex Blazer, Stephanie McClure, Caralyn Zehnder, Deb Vess, Ryan Brown


Minutes approved for 9/15 meeting with amendment to point II.


I)         Discussion of rollover existing core courses for initial BOR deadline; just one course outcome has to map to core outcome; can use list of “verbs” provided on assessment day for clarity when necessary.


Area A1 (as prepared by Alex) – rollover ENGL 1101 and ENGL 1102

Point of information:  committee agreed that we do not need to consider % of course that meets outcome.


Area A2 (as prepared by Ryan) - approved.


Area B1 (as prepared by Steve) – unclear if IDST 2505 will work as “placeholder” course in this area.

Point of discussion: unclear on directive from Dr. Jordan in email of 8/31/10; should course be existing course or dummy course?  Deb will seek clarification from Dr. Jordan.


Point of discussion: Area B courses need to explicitly mention the additional area B requirements (B1: critical thinking, writing or speaking emphasis, learning beyond the classroom; B2: global overlay outcomes, writing overlay outcomes, learning beyond the classroom component).


Area B2  (as prepared by Steve) – Decision to table discussion of Area B and move on to C.


Area C (as prepared by Roxanne) – Discussion of ARTS/THEA/MUSIC 1105; may meet;

Point of discussion:  lack of clarity on need to petition to have courses currently in other areas of the core to new areas of core; this would apply to all of the above.


Tabled discussion of Global Overlay


ENGL 2110 – meets outcome 1; not ethics outcome

Point of discussion:  ENGL 2110 has pre-requisite; need further discussion in department in this regard


Point of discussion:  Area C needs to be divided into C1 and C2, where C1 courses meet both outcomes and C2 courses meet 1st outcome only; lack of clarity in CAPC proposal


AFST 2010 – meets both outcomes


[Caralyn completed minutes] Current Area C core courses that can fit into the new core - though the outcomes will need tweaking.

C1 (Humanities & ethics, these courses need to support both outcomes): PHIL 2200, ENSC 2110, IDST 2305

C2 (fine arts, these courses need to support outcome 1): IDST 2310, IDST 2305

Action Items: 
Tentative Agenda: