Amy S. Nitsche

Senator Pin?:
Term Dates | Title | Type | Category | Comments | Resigned |
05/05 to 07/05 | Vice President University Advancement | By Title | Administrator | Due to a bylaws change, the VP of Univ Adv no longer serves on the University Senate. Thus the April 2005 to April 2006 term in which she was serving ended effective 08-29-05 | Aug 5 2015 |
09/04 to 04/05 | Vice President University Advancement | By Title | Administrator | Began as VP Univ Adv on 09-15-04 and this is when her term of service as University Senator began replacing Carolyn Ishee. |
Term Dates | Non-Senator | Committee | Comments |
05/05 to 04/06 | No | SAC | Replace by Dr. Paul Jones on Senate and SAC effective 08-29-05 |
05/04 to 04/05 | No | USC |