Motions Database

Number, Title, Author, or Committee Abbreviation
Motion Type Author Source Commitee Statussort descending Last Update
Approve deactivation of the General Business Major
Curricular Anonymous CAPC Approved, Pending Review by USG/BOR 02/15/2011
New Program: M.Ed. with a major in Outdoor Education Administration
Curricular Anonymous CAPC Approved, Pending Review by USG/BOR 03/14/2012
Doctor of Nursing Practice New Degree Proposal
Curricular Anonymous CAPC Approved, Pending Review by USG/BOR 01/06/2011
Degree Re-designation SoE M.Ed IT
Other Anonymous AGC Approved, Pending Review by USG/BOR 03/28/2005
Proposed Revisions to the GC Institutional Statutes
Other ECUS Approved, Pending Review by USG/BOR 05/08/2018
Renaming of BS in Health Education to BS in Public Health
Curricular Anonymous CAPC Approved, Pending Review by USG/BOR 04/08/2011
Core Curriculum Framework
Policy Recommendation Anonymous CAPC Approved, Pending Review by USG/BOR 11/05/2010
Deactivation of Exercise Science Concentration
Curricular Anonymous CAPC Approved, Pending Review by USG/BOR 04/08/2011
Degree Deactivation (3 SoE Grad, 4 SoLAS Undergra)
Other Anonymous AGC Approved, Pending Review by USG/BOR 09/27/2004
Deactivate MBA 3+2
Other Anonymous AGC Approved, Pending Review by USG/BOR 02/28/2005
