Motions Database

Number, Title, Author, or Committee Abbreviation
Motion Type Author Source Commitee Statussort ascending Last Update
Proposed Bylaws Revision (Language Pertaining to SoCC)
Bylaws Proposal Anonymous ECUS Other 02/27/2015
GCSU Faculty Bylaws (FAPC withdrew Nov 24 2008)
Resolution Anonymous FAPC Other 11/24/2008
Faculty Awards (Disposition SEE Mar2010 FAPC mtg)
Other Anonymous FAPC Other 03/05/2010
New Language to GCSU's Statement of Non-Discrimination
Other SAPC Other 10/04/2016
Technology Acquisition Policy (WITHDRAWN 04-04-07)
Policy Recommendation Anonymous USC Other 09/23/2016
Motion to request local campus authority to require masks in the classroom
Resolution FAPC Other 02/11/2022
Library Collection Budget Support - DEFER
Policy Recommendation Anonymous USC Other 09/23/2016
GCSU Senate Motion 1516.FAPC.001.P Policy Defining Emeritus/Emerita Status
Policy Recommendation FAPC Not Endorsed by University Senate 04/19/2016
Resolution Condemning Unsafe Return to Face-to-face Instruction
Resolution APC Not Endorsed by University Senate 11/23/2020
Endorse the Objectives of the 2014-2019 Diversity Action Plan
Resolution Anonymous RPIPC Endorsed by University Senate 10/24/2014
