University Senate Members Past and Present

This table shows all persons who have served on the University Senate or one of its Committees. It includes both Senators and Non-Senators. To see the complete service history of an individual, please click the individual's name.

Enter name, phone, department, college, or position
Name Position Department College Office Phone Email Senator Pin?sort ascending
Michael Watson Development Officer, Campus Initiatives University Advancement 478.445.8522 Yes, 09/15/2017
Sarah Handwerker Assistant Professor Nursing College of Health Sciences 478.445.3923 Yes, 09/15/2017
Diana Young Associate Professor Psychological Sciences College of Arts and Sciences 478.445.0860 Yes, 04/21/2017
Mike Muller 2017-2018 SGA President 678.438.6971 Yes, 04/21/2017
Alesa Liles Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice Government and Sociology College of Arts and Sciences 478.445.0942 Yes, 04/21/2017
Donna Bennett Associate Director for Collection and Resource Services Library Library 478.445.0983 Yes, 04/21/2017
Gabrielle Aladesuyi Student Yes, 04/21/2017
Stephanie McClure Professor Government and Sociology College of Arts and Sciences 478.445.1211 Yes, 04/21/2017
Monica Ketchie Assistant Professor Nursing College of Health Sciences 478.445.3911 Yes, 04/21/2017
Angela Criscoe Assistant Professor Mass Communication College of Arts & Sciences 478.445.8255 Yes, 04/21/2017
