University Senate Members Past and Present

This table shows all persons who have served on the University Senate or one of its Committees. It includes both Senators and Non-Senators. To see the complete service history of an individual, please click the individual's name.

Enter name, phone, department, college, or position
Name Position Department Collegesort descending Office Phone Email Senator Pin?
Kevin Blanch Housing Area Coordinator University Housing 478.445.5929 Yes, 09/21/2018
Axel Hawkins SGA President Student Government Association
James Bridgeforth Student Yes, 04/27/2012
Dan Lavery Assitant Director of Legacy Giving University Advancement 478-445-1236
Deidra Kellerman Student
Moriah Thomas Student 404.931.0060 Yes, 02/14/2005
Jordan Bracewell Student 478.278.5817
Rachael Spradley Student 912.270.4116
Amy Vander Groef Accounting Clerk Business & Accounting 478-445-6098
Evita Shinholster Work Control Clerk Facilities Operations 478.445.4279 Yes, 09/16/2016
