University Senate Members Past and Present

This table shows all persons who have served on the University Senate or one of its Committees. It includes both Senators and Non-Senators. To see the complete service history of an individual, please click the individual's name.

Enter name, phone, department, college, or position
Name Position Departmentsort descending College Office Phone Email Senator Pin?
Jennifer Graham Interim Chief Diversity Officer and Executive Director, Director, Women's Center Office of Inclusive Excellence 478.445.8156 Yes, 04/23/2010
Carolyn Denard Associate Vice President/Chief Diversity Officer Office of Inclusive Excellence 478.445.8625
Michael Snowden Chief Diversity Officer Office of Inclusive Excellence 478-445-4233
Sarah Whatley Executive Assistant to the Vice President Office of Student Life Administration 478-445-2091
Rhonda Griffin Administrative Assistant Office of the Provost 478-445-4715
Lori Watson Coordinator of Office Services Office of the Registrar Academic Services 478.445.6286 Yes, 04/25/2007
Monica L. Starley Administrative Associate Office of the University President Administration 478.445.4444
Liz Speelman Director Outdoor Center College of Health Sciences 478-445-7536 Yes, 08/24/2020
Billy Copeland Assistant Director Outdoor Center 478-445-5186
Will Hobbs Assistant Professor Outdoor Education College of Health Sciences 478.445.1781 Yes, 10/21/2016
