University Senate Members Past and Present

This table shows all persons who have served on the University Senate or one of its Committees. It includes both Senators and Non-Senators. To see the complete service history of an individual, please click the individual's name.

Enter name, phone, department, college, or position
Name Position Departmentsort descending College Office Phone Email Senator Pin?
John Jackson Director of Parking & Transportation Services Parking & Transportation Services Yes, 09/08/2020
Beth McCauley Parking Services Monitor Parking and Transportation Services 478.445.7433
Millicent Dempsey Operations Manager Parking and Transportation Services 478.445.8586 Yes, 10/21/2016
Sabrina Hom Associate Professor of Philosophy Philosophy, Religion, & Liberal Studies Arts & Sciences 478.445.2291 Yes, 02/16/2018
Caley Smith Assistant Professor of Religious Studies (Jain Fellow) Philosophy, Religion, & Liberal Studies Arts & Sciences 478-445-5238
Huaiyu "Henry" Wang Professor of Philosophy Philosophy, Religion, & Liberal Studies Arts and Sciences 478.445.8623 Yes, 09/15/2023
Lori Strawder Senior Secretary Plant Operations Plant Operations 478.445.4467 Yes, 04/25/2008
Greg Mahan Electrician II Plant Operations Business & Finance 478.445.4467 Yes, 10/11/2008
Paul Sanford Custodian ll Plant Operations Business & Finance 478.445.4467
Steve Dorman University President President's Office Administration 478.445.4444 Yes, 09/21/2012
