University Senate Members Past and Present

This table shows all persons who have served on the University Senate or one of its Committees. It includes both Senators and Non-Senators. To see the complete service history of an individual, please click the individual's name.

Enter name, phone, department, college, or position
Name Position Department Collegesort ascending Office Phone Email Senator Pin?
Harold Jenkins Director University Career Center Institutional Research and Enrollment Management 478.445.5384
Rose Murner Assistant Director Institutional Research Institutional Research and Enrollment Management 478.445.2601
Cindy Bowen Director of Operations Information Technology Information Technology 478.445.7177 Yes, 09/20/2005
Jennifer Townes Scholarly Communication Librarian Ina Dillard Russell Library Ina Dillard Russell Library 478 445 0991 Yes, 08/24/2020
Jessamyn Swan Assistant Professor of Library Science Ina Dillard Russell Library Ina Dillard Russell Library 478.445.0074
Amelia Malcom Assistant Professor of Nursing Nursing Health Sciences 478-445-3928
Helen DuPree Lecturer of Public Health Health & Human Performance Health Sciences 478-445-1226 Yes, 04/28/2023
Laura Childs Lecturer of Exercise Science Health and Human Performance Health Sciences 478.445.5909 Yes, 08/24/2020
John Marshall Smith Assistant Professor of Nursing Nursing Health Sciences 478-445-8698 Yes, 04/28/2023
Sarah Myers Assistant Professor of Athletic Training Health & Human Performance Health Sciences 478.445.2526 Yes, 09/16/2022
