University Senate Members Past and Present

This table shows all persons who have served on the University Senate or one of its Committees. It includes both Senators and Non-Senators. To see the complete service history of an individual, please click the individual's name.

Enter name, phone, department, college, or position
Name Position Department College Office Phone Email Senator Pin?
James Bridgeforth Student Yes, 04/27/2012
Jennifer Brooker
Shawn Brooks Chief Student Affairs Officer 478.445.6707
Carol F. Brown Director Public Services Public Services/Facility Reservations Extended University Division 478.445.6542
David Brown Interim University President 07-01-03 to 12-31-03
Kelli Brown Provost Academic Affairs Administration 478.445.4715 Yes, 04/25/2014
Ryan Brown Associate Professor of Mathematics Mathematics College of Liberal Arts & Sciences 478.445.0974 Yes, 04/25/2008
Beth Broyles Curriculum Center Director, Assistant Professor Russell Library Russell Library 478.445.0504 Yes, 08/24/2005
Sara Buck Doude Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice Government & Sociology College of Liberal Arts & Sciences 478.445.4257 Yes, 04/25/2008
Robert Buckley SGA Nominee AGC 2005-2006, Student
