Senators by Term End


Senatorsort descending Term Dates Office Held Comments
Jan Hoffmann 05/10 to 04/11 Presiding Officer Elect
Jan Hoffmann 05/11 to 04/12 Presiding Officer
John R. Swinton 05/15 to 04/16 Presiding Officer
John R. Swinton 05/14 to 04/15 Presiding Officer Elect
J. W. Good 08/03 to 04/04 Secretary
Karynne Kleine 05/09 to 04/10 Presiding Officer
Karynne Kleine 05/08 to 04/09 Presiding Officer Elect
Deborah Vess 05/08 to 04/09 Presiding Officer
Craig Turner 05/14 to 04/15 Secretary
Craig Turner 05/07 to 04/08 Presiding Officer
Craig Turner 08/04 to 04/05 Secretary
Craig Turner 05/05 to 04/06 Secretary
Craig Turner 05/15 to 04/16 Secretary
Craig Turner 05/09 to 04/10 Secretary
Craig Turner 05/16 to 04/17 Secretary
Craig Turner 05/17 to 04/18 Secretary
Craig Turner 05/12 to 04/13 Secretary
Craig Turner 05/13 to 04/14 Secretary
Craig Turner 05/18 to 04/19 Secretary
Ken McGill 05/09 to 04/10 Presiding Officer Elect
Ken McGill 05/10 to 04/11 Presiding Officer
Jerry W. Fly 08/02 to 04/03 Secretary
Dean Baker 05/10 to 04/11 Secretary
Tanya Goette 05/06 to 04/07 Secretary
Lyndall Muschell 05/12 to 04/13 Presiding Officer Elect
Lyndall Muschell 05/13 to 04/14 Presiding Officer
Catherine Whelan 05/11 to 04/12 Presiding Officer Elect
Catherine Whelan 05/12 to 04/13 Presiding Officer
Dorothy Leland 01/04 to 04/04 Presiding Officer Started as University President 01-01-04
Dorothy Leland 05/04 to 04/05 Presiding Officer
Dorothy Leland 05/05 to 04/06 Presiding Officer
Dorothy Leland 05/06 to 04/07 Presiding Officer
Deborah MacMillan 05/11 to 04/12 Secretary
Rosemary DePaolo 08/02 to 04/03 Presiding Officer University President from 07-01-97 to 06-30-03
David Brown 08/03 to 11/03 Presiding Officer Interim University President 07-01-03 to 12-31-03
Jennifer Flory 05/21 to 04/22 Presiding Officer Elect
Jennifer Flory 05/22 to 04/23 Presiding Officer
Chris Greer 05/07 to 04/08 Secretary
Chris Greer 05/08 to 04/09 Secretary
Susan Steele 05/14 to 04/15 Presiding Officer
Susan Steele 05/13 to 04/14 Presiding Officer Elect
Alex Blazer 05/24 to 04/25 Secretary
Alex Blazer 05/19 to 04/20 Secretary
Alex Blazer 05/20 to 04/21 Secretary
Alex Blazer 05/21 to 04/22 Secretary
Alex Blazer 05/17 to 04/18 Presiding Officer Elect
Alex Blazer 05/22 to 04/23 Secretary
Alex Blazer 05/18 to 04/19 Presiding Officer
Alex Blazer 05/23 to 04/24 Secretary
Hauke Busch 05/19 to 04/20 Presiding Officer Elect
Hauke Busch 05/20 to 04/21 Presiding Officer
Chavonda Mills 05/16 to 04/17 Presiding Officer
Chavonda Mills 05/15 to 04/16 Presiding Officer Elect
Nicole DeClouette 05/16 to 04/17 Presiding Officer Elect
Nicole DeClouette 05/17 to 04/18 Presiding Officer
Rob Sumowski 05/22 to 04/23 Presiding Officer Elect
Rob Sumowski 05/23 to 04/24 Presiding Officer
David Johnson 05/19 to 04/20 Presiding Officer
David Johnson 05/18 to 04/19 Presiding Officer Elect
Catherine Fowler 05/20 to 04/21 Presiding Officer Elect
Catherine Fowler 05/21 to 04/22 Presiding Officer
Nicholas Creel 05/24 to 04/25 Presiding Officer
Stephanie Jett 05/24 to 04/25 Presiding Officer Elect

Special Roles

Senatorsort descending Term Dates Special Role Comments
J.J. Hayden, III 05/08 to 04/09 Parliamentarian
Douglas A. Goings 05/12 to 04/13 Parliamentarian
Deborah Vess 05/08 to 04/09 Webmaster
Craig Turner 08/04 to 04/05 Webmaster
Craig Turner 05/05 to 04/08 Webmaster
Craig Turner 05/09 to 04/19 Webmaster
Ken Farr 05/05 to 04/06 Parliamentarian
Ken Farr 05/04 to 04/05 Parliamentarian
Ken Farr 08/06 to 04/07 Parliamentarian
Ken Farr 08/07 to 04/08 Parliamentarian
Nancy Davis Bray 05/07 to 04/09 University Senate Archivist
Nancy Davis Bray 05/04 to 04/05 Archivist
Nancy Davis Bray 05/05 to 04/06 Archivist
Nancy Davis Bray 08/06 to 04/07 Archivist
Lee Gillis 05/03 to 04/04 Webmaster
David Muschell 08/09 to 04/10 Parliamentarian
David Muschell 05/11 to 04/12 Parliamentarian
Alex Blazer 05/20 to 04/21 Webmaster
Alex Blazer 05/21 to 04/22 Webmaster
Alex Blazer 05/22 to 04/23 Webmaster
Alex Blazer 05/19 to 04/20 Webmaster
Alex Blazer 05/24 to 04/25 Webmaster
Matt Rogers 05/11 to 04/12 Graduate Assistant
Matt Rogers 05/10 to 04/11 Graduate Assistant
John Sirmans 05/13 to 04/14 Parliamentarian
John Sirmans 05/16 to 04/17 Parliamentarian
John Sirmans 05/17 to 04/18 Parliamentarian
John Sirmans 05/18 to 04/19 Parliamentarian
John Sirmans 05/14 to 04/15 Parliamentarian
John Sirmans 05/15 to 04/16 Parliamentarian
Carter Shadden 05/14 to 04/15 Graduate Assistant
Ji Seun Sohn 05/20 to 04/21 Parliamentarian
Ji Seun Sohn 05/19 to 04/20 Parliamentarian
Shea Council 05/17 to 04/18 Administrative Assistant
Shea Council 05/20 to 04/21 Administrative Assistant
Shea Council 05/16 to 04/17 Administrative Assistant
Shea Council 05/21 to 04/22 Administrative Assistant
Shea Council 05/18 to 04/19 Administrative Assistant
Shea Council 05/19 to 04/20 Administrative Assistant
Stephanie Jett 05/21 to 04/22 Parliamentarian
Owen Lovell 05/22 to 04/23 Parliamentarian
Rhonda Griffin 05/22 to 04/23 Administrative Assistant Replaced Shea Council effective 1 Sep 2022
Rhonda Griffin 05/23 to 04/24 Administrative Assistant
Rhonda Griffin 05/24 to 04/25 Administrative Assistant
Kim Muschaweck 05/23 to 04/24 Parliamentarian
Kim Muschaweck 05/24 to 04/25 Parliamentarian
All Senators
Senatorsort descending Term Dates Senator Type Constituency Category Comments
Mitch Clarke 05/04 to 04/05 Appointed - Director, University Communications Staff
Carol F. Brown 05/04 to 04/05 By Title - Chair of Staff Council Staff
James J. Winchester 05/13 to 04/16 Elected SOLAS Faculty
Ivan Ruiz-Ayala 08/03 to 04/05 Elected SOLAS Faculty
Craig Pascoe 05/07 to 04/08 Appointed - Associate Professor of History Faculty Presidential Appointee
Craig Pascoe 08/03 to 04/05 Elected SOLAS Faculty
Megan Melancon 05/04 to 04/06 Elected SOLAS Faculty
Jennifer Hammack 05/07 to 04/09 Elected SOLAS Faculty
J. W. Good 08/03 to 04/05 Elected SOE Faculty
Bill Fisher 05/14 to 04/15 Appointed - Chair, Art Faculty Presidential Appointee to the 2014-2015 FAPC
Bill Fisher 05/13 to 04/14 Appointed - Chair, Art Faculty Presidential Appointee to FAPC for 2013-2014
Martha A. Allen 05/04 to 04/06 Elected SOLAS Faculty
Andrei Barkovskii 05/12 to 04/15 Elected SOLAS Faculty
Andrei Barkovskii 05/07 to 04/09 Elected SOLAS Faculty
Andrei Barkovskii 05/09 to 04/12 Elected SOLAS Faculty
W. Clifton Wilkinson, Jr. 05/08 to 04/10 Elected SOLAS Faculty
W. Clifton Wilkinson, Jr. 01/16 to 04/16 Elected Faculty Ruth Carter has a 2014-2017 term of service as an elected senator and she is on professional leave during the spring 2016 semester and Cliff Wilkinson will serve in her place for the duration of this leave.
W. Clifton Wilkinson, Jr. 08/06 to 04/08 Elected SOLAS Faculty Elected 08-31-06 to replace Dr. Veronica Womack as both a University Senator and member of the Budget and Planning Committee.
Paige Campbell 08/06 to 04/07 Elected SOE Faculty Elected on Aug 11, 2006 to complete the term of service of Dr. Bill Rowe
Beate Czogalla 05/07 to 04/08 Elected SOLAS Faculty Elected to complete the term of service of Kathleen McGeever.
Beate Czogalla 08/03 to 04/04 Elected SOLAS Faculty
Beate Czogalla 05/04 to 04/06 Elected SOLAS Faculty
Mary Magoulick 05/10 to 04/13 Elected SOLAS Faculty Resigned from University Senate effective May 1, 2010 for 1 term - replaced by Sunita Manian while on leave. Returned on 1/1/2011.
Mary Magoulick 05/16 to 04/19 Elected SOLAS Faculty Elected to complete the 2016-2019 term of Katie Simon effective 23 Apr 2018
Douglas A. Goings 05/13 to 04/16 Elected SOB Faculty
Douglas A. Goings 08/02 to 04/03 Elected SOB Faculty
Douglas A. Goings 08/03 to 04/04 Elected SOB Faculty
Douglas A. Goings 05/07 to 04/09 Elected SOB Faculty
Kathy Edmonson 08/02 to 04/03 Appointed - Coordinator, Orientation & New Student Programs Staff
Kathy Edmonson 08/03 to 04/04 Appointed - Center for Student Success Staff
Harry E. Keim 08/02 to 04/03 By Title - Vice President Business and Finance Administrator
Harry E. Keim 05/04 to 04/05 By Title - Vice President Business and Finance Administrator
Harry E. Keim 08/03 to 07/04 By Title - Vice President Business and Finance Administrator
Harry E. Keim 05/05 to 04/06 By Title - Vice President Business and Finance Administrator
Harry E. Keim 05/06 to 04/07 By Title - Vice President Business and Finance Administrator
Leigh Hern 08/03 to 04/04 Elected SOE Faculty
Leigh Hern 08/02 to 04/03 Elected SOE Faculty
Lori Strawder 05/08 to 04/09 Elected - Senior Secretary, Plant Operations Staff
Christine Zuger 05/05 to 04/07 Elected Library Faculty
Christine Zuger 05/08 to 04/11 Elected Library Faculty


Senatorsort descending Term Dates Office/Special Role Senator Type Constituency Category Comments Resignation Date
Donna Bennett 05/17 to 04/20 Elected Library Faculty Resigned her 2017-2020 elected faculty senator position and was replaced by Jeff Dowdy effective 12 Sep 2019. 09/12/2019
Carolyn Ishee 08/04 By Title - Acting Vice President University Advancement Administrator 0n 09-15-04 Amy Nitsche (VP Univ Adv) began working at GCSU and completed this Aug 2004 to April 2005 term of service. 09/15/2004
Paul Jones 05/12 to 04/13 By Title - Interim University President Administrator Served as ex officio non-voting member of the 2012-2013 University Senate and Interim University President from 07/01/2012 to 08/31/2012. 08/30/2012
Patrick M. Holbrook 05/07 to 07/07 Elected SOLAS Faculty Resigned from both a April 2007 to April 2009 term on University Senate and a April 2007 to April 2008 term on RPIPC effective 08-01-07 (The Art Department elected Sang-Wook Lee as replacement 08-03-07) 08/01/2007
Sunita Manian 05/10 to 11/10 Elected SOLAS Faculty Replaced Mary Magoulick effective May 1, 2010 for 1 semester only during leave 12/31/2010
Veronica L. Womack 05/06 to 07/06 Elected SOLAS Faculty Resigned April 2006 to April 2008 term in Aug 2006 from both the University Senate and Budget and Planning Committee in August 2006 08/06/2015
Bill Wolfe 05/10 to 04/10 Elected SOLAS Faculty Resigned from the University Senate effective 04-21-2010; Chris Skelton was elected to complete this term of service 04/21/2010
Jason P. Huffman 05/11 to 04/12 Appointed Faculty Presidential Appointee to FAPC for 2011-2012; replaced by Dean Baker effective 10 August 2011 08/10/2011
Heide Hlawaty 05/04 to 04/05 Elected SOE Faculty Resigned from GCSU at the end of the 2004-2005 academic year while serving an April 2004 to April 2006 term. Dr. Charlie Martin was elected to complete this term of service on 08-20-05. 04/05/2015
James J. Winchester 05/16 to 04/19 Elected SOLAS Faculty Resigned his position as elected faculty senator and was replaced by Sabrina Hom effective 1 Jan 2018 01/01/2018