Senators by Term End


Senator Term Dates Office Held Comments
Dean Baker 05/10 to 04/11 Secretary
Alex Blazer 05/17 to 04/18 Presiding Officer Elect
Alex Blazer 05/20 to 04/21 Secretary
Alex Blazer 05/22 to 04/23 Secretary
Alex Blazer 05/19 to 04/20 Secretary
Alex Blazer 05/21 to 04/22 Secretary
Alex Blazer 05/24 to 04/25 Secretary
Alex Blazer 05/18 to 04/19 Presiding Officer
Alex Blazer 05/23 to 04/24 Secretary
David Brown 08/03 to 11/03 Presiding Officer Interim University President 07-01-03 to 12-31-03
Hauke Busch 05/20 to 04/21 Presiding Officer
Hauke Busch 05/19 to 04/20 Presiding Officer Elect
Nicholas Creel 05/24 to 04/25 Presiding Officer
Nicole DeClouette 05/17 to 04/18 Presiding Officer
Nicole DeClouette 05/16 to 04/17 Presiding Officer Elect
Rosemary DePaolo 08/02 to 04/03 Presiding Officer University President from 07-01-97 to 06-30-03
Jennifer Flory 05/22 to 04/23 Presiding Officer
Jennifer Flory 05/21 to 04/22 Presiding Officer Elect
Jerry W. Fly 08/02 to 04/03 Secretary
Catherine Fowler 05/21 to 04/22 Presiding Officer
Catherine Fowler 05/20 to 04/21 Presiding Officer Elect
Tanya Goette 05/06 to 04/07 Secretary
J. W. Good 08/03 to 04/04 Secretary
Chris Greer 05/08 to 04/09 Secretary
Chris Greer 05/07 to 04/08 Secretary
Jan Hoffmann 05/10 to 04/11 Presiding Officer Elect
Jan Hoffmann 05/11 to 04/12 Presiding Officer
Stephanie Jett 05/24 to 04/25 Presiding Officer Elect
David Johnson 05/19 to 04/20 Presiding Officer
David Johnson 05/18 to 04/19 Presiding Officer Elect
Karynne Kleine 05/08 to 04/09 Presiding Officer Elect
Karynne Kleine 05/09 to 04/10 Presiding Officer
Dorothy Leland 01/04 to 04/04 Presiding Officer Started as University President 01-01-04
Dorothy Leland 05/06 to 04/07 Presiding Officer
Dorothy Leland 05/05 to 04/06 Presiding Officer
Dorothy Leland 05/04 to 04/05 Presiding Officer
Deborah MacMillan 05/11 to 04/12 Secretary
Ken McGill 05/10 to 04/11 Presiding Officer
Ken McGill 05/09 to 04/10 Presiding Officer Elect
Chavonda Mills 05/15 to 04/16 Presiding Officer Elect
Chavonda Mills 05/16 to 04/17 Presiding Officer
Lyndall Muschell 05/13 to 04/14 Presiding Officer
Lyndall Muschell 05/12 to 04/13 Presiding Officer Elect
Susan Steele 05/13 to 04/14 Presiding Officer Elect
Susan Steele 05/14 to 04/15 Presiding Officer
Rob Sumowski 05/23 to 04/24 Presiding Officer
Rob Sumowski 05/22 to 04/23 Presiding Officer Elect
John R. Swinton 05/14 to 04/15 Presiding Officer Elect
John R. Swinton 05/15 to 04/16 Presiding Officer
Craig Turner 05/17 to 04/18 Secretary
Craig Turner 05/05 to 04/06 Secretary
Craig Turner 05/07 to 04/08 Presiding Officer
Craig Turner 08/04 to 04/05 Secretary
Craig Turner 05/09 to 04/10 Secretary
Craig Turner 05/16 to 04/17 Secretary
Craig Turner 05/14 to 04/15 Secretary
Craig Turner 05/13 to 04/14 Secretary
Craig Turner 05/18 to 04/19 Secretary
Craig Turner 05/12 to 04/13 Secretary
Craig Turner 05/15 to 04/16 Secretary
Deborah Vess 05/08 to 04/09 Presiding Officer
Catherine Whelan 05/12 to 04/13 Presiding Officer
Catherine Whelan 05/11 to 04/12 Presiding Officer Elect

Special Roles

Senator Term Dates Special Role Comments
Alex Blazer 05/20 to 04/21 Webmaster
Alex Blazer 05/22 to 04/23 Webmaster
Alex Blazer 05/19 to 04/20 Webmaster
Alex Blazer 05/24 to 04/25 Webmaster
Alex Blazer 05/21 to 04/22 Webmaster
Shea Council 05/16 to 04/17 Administrative Assistant
Shea Council 05/17 to 04/18 Administrative Assistant
Shea Council 05/20 to 04/21 Administrative Assistant
Shea Council 05/18 to 04/19 Administrative Assistant
Shea Council 05/21 to 04/22 Administrative Assistant
Shea Council 05/19 to 04/20 Administrative Assistant
Nancy Davis Bray 08/06 to 04/07 Archivist
Nancy Davis Bray 05/05 to 04/06 Archivist
Nancy Davis Bray 05/04 to 04/05 Archivist
Nancy Davis Bray 05/07 to 04/09 University Senate Archivist
Ken Farr 08/07 to 04/08 Parliamentarian
Ken Farr 08/06 to 04/07 Parliamentarian
Ken Farr 05/04 to 04/05 Parliamentarian
Ken Farr 05/05 to 04/06 Parliamentarian
Lee Gillis 05/03 to 04/04 Webmaster
Douglas A. Goings 05/12 to 04/13 Parliamentarian
Rhonda Griffin 05/23 to 04/24 Administrative Assistant
Rhonda Griffin 05/22 to 04/23 Administrative Assistant Replaced Shea Council effective 1 Sep 2022
Rhonda Griffin 05/24 to 04/25 Administrative Assistant
J.J. Hayden, III 05/08 to 04/09 Parliamentarian
Stephanie Jett 05/21 to 04/22 Parliamentarian
Owen Lovell 05/22 to 04/23 Parliamentarian
Kim Muschaweck 05/23 to 04/24 Parliamentarian
Kim Muschaweck 05/24 to 04/25 Parliamentarian
David Muschell 08/09 to 04/10 Parliamentarian
David Muschell 05/11 to 04/12 Parliamentarian
Matt Rogers 05/10 to 04/11 Graduate Assistant
Matt Rogers 05/11 to 04/12 Graduate Assistant
Carter Shadden 05/14 to 04/15 Graduate Assistant
John Sirmans 05/18 to 04/19 Parliamentarian
John Sirmans 05/17 to 04/18 Parliamentarian
John Sirmans 05/15 to 04/16 Parliamentarian
John Sirmans 05/16 to 04/17 Parliamentarian
John Sirmans 05/14 to 04/15 Parliamentarian
John Sirmans 05/13 to 04/14 Parliamentarian
Ji Seun Sohn 05/20 to 04/21 Parliamentarian
Ji Seun Sohn 05/19 to 04/20 Parliamentarian
Craig Turner 05/05 to 04/08 Webmaster
Craig Turner 05/09 to 04/19 Webmaster
Craig Turner 08/04 to 04/05 Webmaster
Deborah Vess 05/08 to 04/09 Webmaster
All Senators
Senator Term Dates Senator Type Constituency Categorysort ascending Comments
Alison Prock 08/08 to 04/10 Special Student Graduate Assistant of the University Senate for 2008-2009 AND 2009-2010
Ryan Greene 05/08 to 04/09 Appointed - 2008-2009 SGA President Student 2008-2009 Appointee to University Senate by 2008-2009 Student Government Association Executives
Zach Mullins 05/08 to 04/09 Appointed - 2008-2009 SGA Treasurer Student 2008-2009 Appointee to the University Senate by the 2008-2009 Student Government Association Executives
Iheanyi Maduka 08/03 to 04/04 By Title - SGA President Student
Bianca Longmire 05/06 to 04/07 Appointed - SGA Secretary Student
Kevin Morris 05/15 to 04/16 Appointed None Student Presidential Appointee to the 2015-2016 SAPC
Cameron Watts 05/19 to 04/20 Appointed Student Selected Student Senator
Rachel Hodge 05/06 to 04/07 Appointed - SGA Vice President Student
Amelia Lord 05/19 to 04/20 Appointed Student Selected Student Senator and 2019-2020 Student Government Association President
Sarah Rose Remmes 05/13 to 04/14 Appointed - Student Student Presidential Appointee to SAPC for 2013-2014
Alissa Torchia 05/07 to 04/08 Appointed Student SGA Secretary 2007-2008
Ryan Greene 05/07 to 04/08 Appointed Student SGA President 2007-2008
Will Thompson 08/06 to 04/07 Appointed - SGA Treasurer 2006-2007 Student
Amelia Lord 05/18 to 04/19 Appointed Student Selected Student Senator and 2018-2019 Student Government Association President
Zaira Solano 05/05 to 04/06 Appointed - SGA Vice President Student
Sandy Green 05/05 to 04/06 Appointed - SGA President Pro Tempore Student
Victoria Ferree 05/13 to 04/14 Appointed Student Selected Student Senator to the 2013-2014 University Senate; 2013-2014 SGA President
Lindsey Hornsby 05/05 to 04/06 Appointed - SGA Secretary Student
Timothy Smith 05/13 to 04/14 Appointed Student Selected Student Senator to the 2013-2014 University Senate
Victoria Ferree 05/14 to 04/15 Appointed - Student Student Presidential Appointee to the 2014-2015 SAPC
Ezra Ryall 05/24 to 04/25 Appointed Student
Axel Hawkins 05/24 to 04/25 Appointed Student SGA President
Carter Shadden 05/14 to 04/15 Special Student While not an official member of the 2014-15 University Senate, Carter Shadden is serving as its Graduate Assistant.
Keith Woodruff 08/02 to 04/03 By Title - SGA President Student
Loman Martin 05/04 to 04/05 By Title - SGA President Student
James Bridgeforth 05/12 to 04/13 Appointed Student Presidential Appointee to SAPC for 2012-2013
Carly Jara 05/13 to 04/14 Special Student Graduate Assistant of the 2013-2014 University Senate.
Connor Hilly 05/23 to 04/24 Appointed Student SGA President
Mike Muller 05/17 to 04/18 Appointed Student Selected Student Senator; 2017-2018 SGA President
James Patrick Robertson 05/21 to 04/22 Appointed Student Selected Student Senator and 2021-2022 Student Government Association President
Sarah Rose Remmes 05/12 to 04/13 Appointed Student Selected Student Senator for the 2012-2013 University Senate
Sara Johnson 05/05 to 04/06 By Title - SGA President Student
Ezra Ryall 05/23 to 04/24 Appointed Student Replaced Deidra Kellerman effective 14 Nov 2023
Molly Robbins 05/21 to 04/22 Appointed Student Selected Student Senator
Janessa Hartmann 05/06 to 04/07 By Title - SGA President Student
Cody Allen 05/12 to 04/13 Appointed Student 2012-13 SGA President
Cedric Norris 05/18 to 04/19 Appointed Student Selected Student Senator replacing Rachel Spradley effective 19 Sep 2018.
Kaitley Congdon 05/22 to 04/23 Appointed Student Selected Student Senator and 2022-2023 Student Government Association President
Rebecca Meghani 05/22 to 04/23 Appointed Student Selected Student Senator replaced Connor Hilly effective 14 Sep 2022
Juawn Jackson 05/14 to 04/15 Appointed Student 2014-2015 SGA President, Selected Student Senator


Senator Term Dates Office/Special Role Senator Type Constituency Categorysort ascending Comments Resignation Date
Deidra Kellerman 05/23 to 04/24 Appointed Student Resigned and replaced by Ezra Ryall effective 14 Nov 2023 11/14/2023
Andrew "Ross" Sheppard 05/11 to 04/12 Appointed Student Selected Student Senator for the 2011-2012 academic year; Resigned as University Senator 09/23/2011
Altimease Lowe 05/17 to 04/18 Appointed Student Selected Student Senator; replaced by Amelia Lord effective 24 Jan 2018. 01/24/2018
Rachael Spradley 05/18 to 04/19 Appointed Student Selected Student Senator Resigned her position on the university senate and was replaced by Cedric Norris effective 19 Sep 2018. 09/19/2018
Connor Hilly 05/22 to 04/23 Appointed Student Selected Student Senator; resigned and replaced by Rebecca Meghani effective 14 Sep 2022 09/14/2022
Hayley Dingess 05/17 to 04/18 Appointed Staff Selected Staff Senator Resigned her position on university senate and replaced by Michael Watson effective 25 June 2017. 06/25/2017
Matt Davis 05/24 to 04/25 Appointed Staff Presidential Appointee to the 2024-2025 SAPC; resigned 30 June 2024 and replaced by Ashley Copeland effective 14 Aug 2024 06/30/2024
Greg Mahan 05/12 to 04/13 Appointed Staff Selected Staff Senator for the 2012-2013 academic year; Replaced by Carol Ward effective 16 Jan 2013. 01/16/2013
Christopher Newsome 05/19 to 04/20 Appointed - Selected Staff Senator Staff Effective 3 Jan 2020, Christopher Newsome resigned his position and was replaced by Kevin Blanch as Selected Staff Senator on Student Affairs Policy Committee. 01/03/2020
Eve Puckett 05/15 to 04/16 Appointed None Staff Selected Staff Senator Passed Away 10-14-2015 Replaced by Melinda M. "Lindy" Ruark (November 17, 2015) 10/14/2015